I have to admit, it took me awhile to sign up for this one...I was ummming and ahhhing over colours, and whether I'd have time, and blah blah blah...and then I came across this...
Monday, February 28, 2011
Are you ready?
I have to admit, it took me awhile to sign up for this one...I was ummming and ahhhing over colours, and whether I'd have time, and blah blah blah...and then I came across this...
G,C, & H and 5 embroideries to go
I'm Semi Ready
Ready to Go ..................
Block G - half done
Upon my cutting I realized that the fabric is not Fat Quarter but Fat Eights.... So out come some more fabric.
Now for the reveal of my Block G
I've started...
It is such fun and so easy to stitch in one colour. It meant I could chat easily without checking the pattern too much.
I am going to use my red fabric stash for my borders. I love red and can't resist collecting fat quarters so it will be good to use some up.
Happy stitching,
Sylvia in Australia
one sleep...........
Ready Set Go - Gardener's Journal
So I showed you earlier the fabric that I will be using for my Quilt and I have gone through it again, and picked the 10 fabrics as per the book, and with the left overs I will have enough for the inner border, outer border and binding. With that being said, I might even be able to patch the other pieces together for the back.
Charlevoix - Minick & Simpson by Moda |
I really feel like such a ham for asking this...Usually I am the over achiever, when I sign up to do something, I am usually done and waiting for others to get their part done...
I hope that some one will be able to help me out.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
A Start to TTS Fabric Choices...
All Ready to Go!!!
Hi Everyone,
I’m Jan Q from Molly’s Meanderings, waving.
I’ve chosen my fabrics & threads & I’ve traced off my blocks for March. Of course it was a little tricky with a kitten wanting to sit on the fabric & playing with the pen as I traced. But we got there. :-)
I’ve gone quite colourful with my choices, both fabrics & threads. I’ll probably also make a red & white version. Bright reds.
I’ve enlarged the blocks to 5” rather than 4”. I’m now deciding whether to back the blocks with lightweight pellon or lightweight interfacing.
Looking forward to getting started. :-)
Fabrics Chosen and Backgrounds Cut
I am getting excited about starting this one.
Ok, I changed my mind (so soon!)
I've been drooling over your posts so I elected to do a little shopping. Instead of going with the Moda Marble (as I mentioned earlier), I've decided to go this route:
I'm loving the stars, and I already tried a test run - it needled just fine.
Can't wait for Tuesday!
Elisa in snowy, Ferndale MI
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Ready to Go
Blocks E and F
These 2 blocks have been a long time coming ... sort of lost my momentum there somewhere along the way.
I can safely say im sick of sewing 1.2 inch squares but besides that i really enjoy the piecing of these blocks :) I still have a little stitching on Block F but am going to get right on to that after this blog post .....
So that leaves me with Blocks B,D,H and I to go and 2 days left until the new Stitch-a-long starts , oh well i tried and am determined to get this finished soon .
GJ Progress...
Still here....
....thanks for looking and happy stitching.
3 sleeps...........
I received my pattern!
I ordered my pattern from Treasured Threads, I have ordered from Shannon many times and have always received great customer service. She carries many patterns from Australian designers and very inexpensive compared to some other places. Now to pick out the fabrics and start stitching!! Well, I have to finish Gardeners Journal first, maybe, heck who cares, add another project to the basket, a very big basket.
I hope you are having a great day and will find a little stitching time, it is good for the soul!!
Friday, February 25, 2011
What's an HB pencil?
I cut out my background squares tonight and am ready to trace. The directions say to use a tan marker or an HB pencil. Well, I don't have a tan marker, but what's an HB pencil? If I don't have one, I'll just use a plain ordinary pencil. Is there any reason that would be a bad idea? Won't do any thing until tomorrow anyway. It's almost midnight here and I think it will go better with daylight.
Hello From Perth, Western Australia
Only four more sleeps & as you can see I haven't traced my stitcheries yet, but it's on this weekends 'to do' list, unfortunately behind the dreaded cleaning.....
Happy stitching
Tracee xx
Hello from Canada
I'm really excited to be a part of the stitch-a-long. I'm afraid I couldn't wait until March and have already stitched the first block and working on the second :0)
Thanks for letting me be a part of the group.
I forgot...
Ready to go.......
I am really excited to start stitching with you all this year! Seems like I really only get a chance to hand stitch lately, and by participating with you all, I will get the motivation to actually get it done lol!
I have all my stitcheries traced out ready to go, and fabrics chosen:
My Book Came!!!
I wanted to share my latest stitchery. I am quilting this one for my grandson's birthday, but I did each of the flying machines in a different color blue and used various blues in the blocks. I am very pleased with the way it turned out.
Thanks for welcoming me to this group.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Here we go again!
Still Stitching...
I will be a bit behind
I am Anne and comes from Norway. I am so excited to be a part of this SAL, but I just ordered the book earlier this week so my book won't be here for another couple of weeks, so I will be a bit behind.
5 sleeps............
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The excitement is building....
I've got my book and I've finally chosen my fabrics. The background is white on white with a pebbly look. My quilt will be more scrappy than some. All the fabrics have come from my stash , but I may need to purchase some for the borders. At least that's not an immediate concern.
It's hard to decide which color floss. Here are the ones I'm considering. Any thoughts? In case you can't read the numbers, they are 304, 150, 326, 321, and 498, going from left to right. I'm going to look again in the morning in daylight. In the photograph some of them look a lot more pink than they do in person.