Showing posts with label SUYS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SUYS. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Blog Hop Winners

Happy New Year!! I hope 2021 is off to a good start for you. Be sure to keep reading; I'll be announcing the Word Art Wednesday winner from my blog and my personal prize winner from those who left comments on my blog.

 Our focus verse for the next Word Art Wednesday challenge is near and dear to my heart. Psalm 34:4 states, "I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears." The Lord used this verse to provide comfort to me as a young wife when I was going through some medical trials. I love how when we seek the Lord, He hears us. He doesn't force Himself on us, we have to turn to Him. I have returned to this verse again and again during various times of trial. Our current world situation is one that could cause fear in our hearts. The changes and uncertainties of life can be overwhelming. However, if we will seek the Lord, He will hear us and deliver us from our fears. It's definitely a time of learning to trust Him.

 Years ago, when I first began making cards, I came across an e-zine called Sheetload of Cards. Each month the author would give a plan to use one or two pieces of 12 x 12 patterned paper and give a cutting guide and sketch to make 6-12 cards. She had various designers that would use her guide and share pictures of their cards. I was sad when the e-zine was discontinued. Just this week, I discovered she now has a YouTube channel and not only posts videos each month but offers a free PDF download of the sketch and cutting guide for her subscribers. I enjoy mass producing cards and this was just what I needed to kick start my missing mojo. This month, she even has a downloadable PDF of sentiments sized to fit the January sketch. I modified her sketch to use for my card this week and also made the 9 cards this cutting guide is intended to make. So by just adding additional cardstock, I stretched the patterned paper to make 10 cards instead of 9. I would encourage you to check out Call Me {Crafty} Al's channel. She began sharing the Sheetload of Cards monthly posts back in July 2019 so there's plenty of back material to use. I needed some masculine birthday cards so I used her sentiment download and now have 9 for my stash. Here's a group shot:

#SUYSJan2021 #ShowUsYourSheetLoad

Cardstock: Recollections (brown), Pen & Gear (white for sentiment)
Cardbase: Cordinations A2 Kraft (for WAW card), The Paper Studio A2 Kraft cards (9 birthday cards)
Patterned Paper: GCD Studio (Great Outdoors 12 x 12 pad)
Tools/Embellishments: Eyelet Outlet (gems)
I'm entering this card in the Crafty Hazelnuts Patterned Paper Challenge.

Now it is time to announce the Word Art Wednesday (WAW) blog hop winner from my blog! Congratulations to Elizabeth Hart. Please see the WAW blog for details on how to claim your prize. You can also see the WAW blog for a list of all the winners.

I chose the winner for the prize I'm personally giving from those who left comments on my post via a random number generator. The winner is Kathy A. Kathy please check your email for info on how to claim your prize.

Please be sure to check out the Word Art Wednesday blog for the full list of blog hop winners and for inspiration for this week's challenge. Thanks for visiting with me today. I hope you'll come back soon.


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