Launch of Essential Children’s Book“My Body Belongs to Me”Turns an Awkward Subject Into a Natural DiscussionGroundbreaking Title Teaches Very Young ChildrenTheir Bodies Are Their Own
NEW YORK, NY--(September 1, 2009) - Safety Star Media announced today thenationwide release of
Using her decade of experience asa New York City prosecutor of child abuse and sex crimes, Author Jill Starishevskytriumphantly fills a void to help parents and teachers educate children about asensitive subject in a perfectly natural way. With a rhyming verse and beautifulillustrations by Sara Muller, My Body Belongs to Me offers a compelling anduplifting message without shame. A mother of two young children, Ms. Starishevsky crafted a bookthat speaks to children from ages three to eight, making them aware there areboundaries when it comes to their own bodies. My Body Belongs to Me encourages themto tell a parent or teacher if someone touches their “private parts.”Starishevsky was inspired to write the book after working on a case involving ayoung victim who endured years of abuse and then bravely sought help after watchingan episode of Oprah about sexual abuse.The clear message of My Body Belongs to Me is that if someoneinappropriately touches you, tell. Studies show that 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 6 boyswill be molested. Without educating children as to the importance of disclosing, theabuse can continue and escalate. “Just as we carefully teach youngsters what to doin case of fire, we must teach them what to do if someone touches them,” urgedStarishevsky. “Through my work as a prosecutor, I realized there was a great needfor a way for parents and teachers to facilitate this dialogue in a straightforwardyet sensitive manner. Unfortunately, out of fear of embarrassing their children,parents often avoid this conversation until it is too late. By saying nothing to ourchildren, we are sending them out there defenseless.” Parents and educators need to start taking measures to protectchildren before something happens, and this book helps make that task so mucheasier. Pattie Fitzgerald, founder of Safely Ever After, a safety program forparents and kids, noted, “I have been teaching child safety classes for nearly tenyears, and this is the first children’s book I’ve seen that really addresses theissues in a way that kids can understand and that doesn’t seem scary orheavy-handed.”As licensed family and child therapist Kimberley Clayton Blainenoted, “Prevention is key when it comes to children’s personal safety. Kudos toMs. Starishevsky for taking on this project.”Jill Starishevsky has dedicated her career to seeking justice forvictims of child abuse and sex crimes. Outside the courtroom, her fondness forwriting led her to create www.thepoemlady.com, where she pens customized poems forspecial celebrations. She is also the founder of HowsMyNanny.com, a service thatenables parents to purchase a license plate for their child’s stroller so thepublic can report positive or negative nanny observations. Starishevsky has appearedon Good Morning America, CNN International, Today in New York, Donny Deutsch’s TheBig Idea and Fox News National among other news programs. By utilizing the sameplatform and by visiting schools, Ms. Starishevsky hopes to globally spreadawareness about child sexual abuse prevention to ultimately stop the silence.My Body Belongs to Me is available for online purchase throughwww.MyBodyBelongstoMe.com (Hardcover 32 pages, $14.95 U.S., ISBN 9780982121603).Note to Editors: If you would like a free review copy of My Body Belongs to Me,please contact Jill Starishevsky, Safety Star Media, info@MyBodyBelongstoMe.com withyour complete shipping details. High-resolution cover artwork and author headshotcan be found at http://mybodybelongstome.com/news/