Showing posts with label Monkey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monkey. Show all posts

Aug 27, 2019

Knitting Pattern for Monkey Boy or Girl

 A while back a friend of mine asked me to knit a monkey toy for her baby boy. I have created this monkey, and I decided to add blue striped shorts for her baby boy monkey.
Few months later, I finally had the time to write the pattern, had the test knitters test knit the pattern, but I also wanted to make a monkey girl as well. She needed a little dress. My mom's college friend is going to be a great grandmother and I gave her the monkey girl for her great granddaughter.
The final pattern, which includes the pattern for the shorts and the dress  is available now and you can purchase it in my Ravelry store or by clicking on this button:

Monkey Boy or Girl
Thank you for visiting.

Sep 21, 2012

Monkey business

A mom to be, has a thing for monkeys.  The nursery theme is monkeys.
Yet, nobody knows if the baby will also enjoy  monkeys. Is it important at this point?
What to do?

A small knitted monkey to make the mom to be happy.

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