Showing posts with label DT Anna-Lena. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DT Anna-Lena. Show all posts

Friday, March 27, 2015

Tool of the month - We R Memorykeepers punchboard


Denna månad vill jag lyfta fram en av mina favoriter här hemma och det är We R Memorykeepers Punch boards. Jag har två och en som jag använder mest är den som du gör egna kuvert på.

This month I will show one of my favouriets, and that is We R Memorykeepers Punch board.. I have two boards and the one I use most of the envelope punch board.

Här kommer två videos som visar hur lätta dessa är at använda..

Here is two videos that shows how easy they are to use.

Med detta inlägg vill jag tacka ör min tid här på StampARTic då detta är mitt sista inlägg som en del av teamet. Jag vill skicka ett stort tack till detta fantastiska gäng som jag fått vara en del av under snart 2 år.

With this post I will thank for my time here on the StampARTic blogg, because this is my final post for the blogg. I want to thank this amazing team for my time and I hope to se you out there on the internet.

Kram / Lots of Love


Friday, February 20, 2015

Pion Design artikkel - del 2

I fjor høst var vi så heldige å bli sponset med ark fra Pion Design, artikkelen fra del 1 kan dere finne HER.
Last autumn we were so fortunate to be sponsored by Pion Design, you can find the part 1 article HERE.

Litt info om om Pion Design
A little info about Pion Design
Pion Design is a family owned company located outside of Luleå in the northern part ofSweden. We are a manufacturer of scrapbooking papers in a vintage and romantic style and our papers are created and printed locally. Jenny Erickson established the company in the summer of 2009 as a result of her passion for paper crafting and photography. The name Pion Design derives from the flower Peony, Pion being Swedish for Peony. The graphic artist of Pion Design is Theresa Lundström and in the spring of 2010 we released our first original designed scrapbook collection. Today we are releasing several paper collections every year and our papers can be found in stores worldwide.


Here is the Design Team Projects

I have created a Merry go round box with papers from Pion.

The Merry go round at the top of the box, turns around.


 This is what I made
Gift bag.
 A small card and envelope to have with ie. flowers
A card
Another card
The last card



I have created 4 different projects with the paper series called "My beloved son"

First I made a LO.

And than I made  two cards:

And finaly I decorated a box that looks lika a book and who I´m going to give away for an easterpresent:



What i made 
15x15 card 

10x10  card




I have used the Paper Collection called "My beloved Son"

This is a explosion box made for a newborn

Tealight card


Thank you Pion Design for the beautiful papers!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tool of the month - Mod Melts


Idag bjuder jag på en film där jag använder Mod Melts från Mod Podge. Jag älskar att snabbt kunna skapa dekorationer där jag själv kan välja färg, och med dessa skapar jag ofta många som jag sedan snabbt kan måla när jag behöver dem.

Today I give you a movie where I show how to use Mod Melts. I love to create my own decorations that I easy can paint in any colors I want. I often make lots of them so I can quick and easy paint them when I need them.

Här kommer min video:

This is my video:

Och här kommer ett kort jag gjort med bokstäver och en stjärna som jag gjort.

 And here is a card that I have made with letters and a star that I have made.

Jag kan verkligen rekommendera dessa till er som gillar att göra era egna dekorationer.

I can really recomend this to all of you who loves to make your own decoratins.

Friday, December 26, 2014


God fortsättning på er alla

Vi börjar med att visa vinnaren och top tre av förra månades utmaning
We have a winner and top 3 from our novembers challenge.
The lucky winner is:

Skicka ett mail till

Så kommer det en premie på posten från våran sponsor.

Top 3 denna gång är/ Top 3 this time is:

 Nu är det dags för en enna månads vintriga utmaning♥
Denna gång är utmaningen / our challenge this month are


"Så længe du følger kriteriene på denne udfordring kan du levere følgende bidrag: kort, LO/, bretteprosjekt i papir, Art Journal, Mixed Media prosjekt, Tag/ATC eller lommescrapping.

 As long as you follow the challenge you can deliever following projects: card, layout, paperfolding, Art Journal, Mixed Media, Tag/ATC or Project Life."

Denne måneds sponsor er / this months sponsor

Engströms Artstudio AB

Engströms Artstudio är en webshop med allt du kan tänka dig inom scrapbooking och kortmakeri. De har även sitt egna märke Mandys med egna dies.

Här kommer lite inspiration till månadens utmaning från vårat duktiga designteam.
Here's some inspiration for this months challenge,
 from our talented design team members. 



 Lever dit bidrag via InLikz.
Husk at det skal være en direkte link til bidraget dit.
 Da blir det letterefor os at finde det.
Bidraget må  ikke være ældre end udfordringen!

Siste innlevering er den 21 Januari
♥Held og lykke alle♥

♥Vi glæder os til at se dit bidrag♥

Please remember to follow these few simple rules: 

No backlinking only new creations.
Three (3) entry limit.
Must follow challenge theme to qualify for prize 
    Direct link to your challenge entry ... not your entire blog.
    We would really appreciate you turning OFF the word verification.

    You have to use InLikz
    You have until 21. of January

    Good luck to you all