Just some little layouts I have been doing in the past couple of weeks!
My two beautiful little boys having a moment back when Kobi was only a few weeks old. Just love the way they are looking at each other and I just snapped at the right time because I think Cooper jumped up about 3 seconds later!!
Cooper has got the sweetest little face but OMG can he be naughty!! The worst part is I don't think I have really seen anything yet! Nah, seriously he is a good boy most of the time I think he is just testing us out sometimes. I also think I might expect too much out of him too. I sometimes forget he has only just turned 2, he's still a baby. He has always seemed older than what he is, even from the day he was born.

I did have some more to share but for some reason it's not letting me upload. Oh well, this will have to do for today.
I have just also found out that my brother and his wife are having a little GIRL!!!!! Yay, so excited to get a little niece! Can't wait for August!
Just over a week now until we head off to Hamilton Island. Woo hoo, with this weather so hot at the moment, I can't wait.
Have a lovely weekend!