Wishing you a wonderfully scary Halloween full of tricks and TREATS!
Whimsical Beads, Sculptures and Other Fun Stuff http://www.StudioMarcy.etsy.com http://www.StudioMarcy.blogspot.com http://www.facebook.com/MarcyLamberson
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Bon Jovi Wants You
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Show Chicken- Quirky and Fun
Nick Sheehy lives in Leigh on Sea (UK) with girlfriend: Catherine, and 2 hamsters: Charles and Eddie Pam and Miriam. He enjoys drawing various weird things for himself, exhibitions, publications and occasionally the odd client.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Learning About Cybertronian Bumblebees
For those of you who know my advanced age, you quickly understand that Transformer toys are not normally part of my vernacular. My kids are grown and no grandkids are on the horizon.
So when Beads of Courage requested a "transformer bumblebee", my imagination went to a totally different place. I was thinking about a cute little bee whose wings and head swivel in different directions. Wrong!!
Pictured above is my new Cybertronian Bumblebee. He does lots of different stuff, but I'm not sure what. Heck, I have a hard time working the tv remote.
But he will be the model for beads which I promised two little sick guys. Met both of them at the party at the hospital and will not let them down.
I figure if they can be courageous fighting their cancer, I sure can be gutsy enough to attempt these beads.
Because the kids are young, I can't make them as sculptures. They would be too fragile.
So I'll be building them on a background bead for support.
I want to make the kids happy with easily recognizable interpretations. Please wish me luck. I really NEED it.
See you tomorrow!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Foodscapes into Landscapes
Monday, October 25, 2010
Slow to Keep Up on Your Blog?
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Eerie Origami
I've always enjoyed origami, but it's fun to find a book with book with an edge. Eerie Origami teaches you how to make some of the traditional Halloween icons and more. I bet there are lots of places where you can find it, but I saw it first on the What on Earth website.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Don't Forget - Flametree Glass's Halloween Contest!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Crackers and Mini Me
Transparent Butterflies
Gorgeous, isn't it? I can't wait to try this in glass.
My high school buddy Steve sent this transparent butterfly photo. At first, I wondered if it had been photoshopped, but Snopes said it's real. And here is a link of more photos. These beauties are found in Central America...from Mexico to Panama.
Family: Nymphalidae
Genus: Ithomiinae
Common name: The Glasswing
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Beads of Courage Party-
I'm one of those people who tend to avoid most medical situations if possible. Whether I know the person or not, I feel a strong empathy and continue to worry long after meeting someone. Especially when it comes to children.
So attending Bead of Courage's First Annual Party was a bit of a concern. Would I be able to hold it together in front of the kids and their families. Heck yes! These kids are the
ones giving everyone else courage. How amazing! Dr. Jean Baruch the BoC founder and leader is pictured above left with Nancy Campbell, our local contact. Together and with the rest of the team, they've formed a brilliant network and program to support these kids.
Pictured below is Aidan- a little toddler who signs to communicate. He loves to keep moving in his special walker which is connected to all kinds of equipment. Aidan has been through a lot already as his 4 lbs of beads signify. (they're the crown on the AFL
AC stuffed duck). His delightful Mom told me about his upcoming trip to Disney with Make a Wish prior to his big, very serious surgery in November.
Aidan loves his beads so much, that they are used in his occupational therapy. Apparently he enjoys the tactile quality of them and practices stringing them after running his hands through them.
I'll post another time about the Dream Bead program. But I just wanted to say how lucky I am to be associated with this non-profit. We beadmakers are a small, but important and very appreciated cog in the big picture. Anyone can get involved. Please click here.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Rock Star Owl
Mick revels in showmanship. He loves to stand out and be noticed. I think in his owl life, he is the front man of a successful rock band. He does look like one who enjoys strutting his stuff.
Mick has a 1/16th vertical hole and is a little over an inch tall. His base color is a muted purple which shows up more on his back side.
Hope you enjoy my fine feathered friend. Although a little full of himself, he's really a great guy deep down.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
A Field Guide to Typestaches
I found this delightful poster by Tor Weeks which gives personality to different fonts. As a fan of the "stache", it sure makes me smile.
It is also suitable for framing. Available here and perfect for that mustache lover on your Christmas list.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Preview of Spring 2011 Shoes
All I can say is that I'd love to design jewelry to go with them. They make me dream of all kinds of fun ideas.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Meet Charlie...My Beach Friend
I'm well acquainted with Horseshoe Crabs. We could find them among the rocks when I was a kid in Connecticut. I remember trying to race them too, once we got over that we were a little scared of them.
Well, there's kind of a sad ending to this story. Upon checking out Charlie a little more thoroughly, he had already gone on to Horseshoe Crab Heaven. Big bummer...mostly for Charlie though. I placed his shell back in the shallow water, hopefully to be taken out with the tide. Perhaps his shell will provide some protection or a habitat for another sea creature.
And scroll down this page to see what artist Takeshi Yamada does with the old shells. Pretty cool.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Haunting Beads
And a shout out to Jo who was so kind to post him in her Halloween bead section found here on lampworkart.com
I've posted some other new beads this week and hope you have fun poking around and finding some that will make you smile.
See you tomorrow!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Back From The Beach!
The ocean is like a magnet to me...drawing me and keeping me mesmerized. I think it's not just the ocean itself, but the beach sounds that go with it. The waves, the children shouting, if I'm lucky, a little noise from the Hobie sailboats beached nearby, the birds calling and snippets of adult conversation...although I try not to listen too carefully to those.
This was the beach at sunrise on our last day there. A group of us went down with coffee cup in hand to enjoy our last morning there. I took a lot of photos and will sprinkle just a few in some of my blogs for your enjoyment.
Wishing you a Happy Columbus Day and to my fellow beach loving sis, Happy Birthday too!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Call to Glass Artists
CALL TO ARTISTS: Museum of Glass Accepting Submissions for 2011 Application Visiting Artist Residency Program
(Note: this is a verbatim re-post from the original...click to view.- Marcy)Tacoma, Wash. (October 6, 2010)— The Museum of Glass announces its posting of the 2011 Application Visiting Artist Residency Program guidelines. Each year the Museum reserves a limited number of five-day residencies in its Visiting Artist schedule for experienced artists interested in the opportunity to work in the Museum’s Hot Shop. Applications will be accepted through December 15, 2010.
The program is open to artists who have at least five years experience working in the medium of glass. Selected artists will work in the Museum’s state-of-the-art Hot Shop with the assistance of the three-person Hot Shop Team for five days (Wednesday through Sunday) in front of a live audience. The residency also includes two days of cold working services, and artists have the opportunity to deliver a public lecture on Sunday afternoon. The value of the week-long residency is $25,000.
To apply, artists must submit a completed questionnaire along with a current résumé, artist statement, images of their work, and a full description of the work they plan to create during the residency. Application instructions are available on the Museum’s website: http://www.museumofglass.org/live-glassmaking/visiting-artists/residency-application/.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Tactile-licious Nesting
Claire-Anne O'Brien not only knows that knitting is "in", but that these would be a great hit. With Fall here and Winter on its way, I know their appeal will be huge. Check out her other knitted furniture as well.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Gothic + Mermaid = Fabulous
And I'll take some good photos while here and post them later.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
On & Off
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Two Views of the Skyline
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Artists and Cameras
Seed pods, oversize walrus heads, coffee shops with rude names and even a miniature lime with a leaf that looked like an exclamation mark all were recorded. Quirky little details which spoke to me.
But what I want to know, is what speaks to you, when using your camera?
Monday, October 4, 2010
Beads In Space...Now Available
Sunday, October 3, 2010
New Wheels- or Wings?
Friday, October 1, 2010
FlameTree Glass Halloween Contest
FlameTree Glass and GTT are teaming up again to bring you a fabulous Halloween Glass Art Contest!! 1st Prize: GTT Scorpion Torch, 2nd prize: Linx Torch, 3rd prize: Bobcat Torch and 4th Prize: Cricket Torch.
Contest Rules: "Make the best Flameworked Halloween themed glass art. Can be hard or soft glass, but make sure it is entirely flameworked.
Email the following to Contest@FlameTreeGlass.com....
-2 photo views- jpg. format, no larger than 7 x 10" 72 dpi.
-Description of the entry piece
-Short bio with your contact information
Only one entry per person. No "Adult" content
DEADLINE for emailed entries is October 24, 2010
Online voting at www.Flametreeglass.com open October 26-30th
Winners will be announced on Oct. 31st at www.flametreeglass.com
Shipping for prizes not included. Torch prizes may not be exchanged for cash or credit. Winners must send actual entry piece to GTT to redeem for torch prizes. Will be disqualified if entry piece is not what was represented in the contest. Winning pieces become property of GTT to be put on display in their gallery.
Okay, now you have the scoop, get out there and start creating. Often folks think they don't have a good enough chance, but you do. Once you submit, rally your friends and family to vote for you. Where else do you get a chance like this to win a new torch? Yikes, I'd love a new Scorpion. I'm not participating this year, but I really hope one of my blog readers wins. Now one more hint...make sure your photography is great. Voters only see what you show them, so give them your best shot...literally.
And the Vampire pictured above was my entry the first year FlameTree had this contest...I think 4 or 5 years ago. He took second place and won a Bobcat Torch for me.
Now I want to see what you can do!