Showing posts with label pet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Making Pets Into Glass Beads

Meet Jasmine the Hamster. She's a likable sort. Soft, fluffy, and this one doesn't escape, unless it's your idea.

Jasmine is a glass bead- oh about 1.5" long and a little more than half an inch tall. She's a great little focal bead for hamster lovers, but would also look delightful on a stand or sitting by a computer. I think she'd make a great ornament too.

Jasmine used to live in my Etsy shop, along with a fun selection of other glass goodies. She's been adopted, but stop by and say hi to her friends.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Meet My Latest Custom Order

This little guy is very, very ill and his owner's friend asked me to make him into an angel. What a sweet gesture. He's a clumber spaniel with white wings and has a little brown spot on top of his head, that they call his kissing spot. I know other owners who kiss their pups right there too.

In fact, once a neighbor told me that her pet had a permanent red mark where her lipstick would slightly color the fur, because she kissed him so often. That sure makes me smile.

So join me in thinking warm thoughts for this little guy. My original photos show that he's just precious and I'm sad for the owner. I hope this little token will bring a smile to her face, when she's thinking of him.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Quest for Making Cats

I have been trying to find new ways to make kitty cats. I love cats, but for me, they're hard to do.

I can do the typical simple form of the face with the two raised dots for the muzzle, but I'd like to take them another sculptural step farther.

The kitties can be stylized as this photo of Sanders shows, but we all know that most cats don't have van dyke facial hair.

So I joined a cat bead exchange. The other members are all coming up with cute ideas and now I need to get in gear to figure out what I'll be making. I want them to be cute, but a little fancier than what I usually do. I haven't decided whether there should be a full body or just a face.

Got any great links to cute cats that I should use as a model? Thoughts about things I should try? I'm always telling you what I think you should do, so today I'm turning the tables and asking you what do you think?

I have a few more different ones in the kiln right now. It will be fun to see whether any of them are similar to your suggestions. Thanks for your comments.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Meet Skamp

I wanted you to meet Skamp, who was a recent custom ordered bead through my etsy shop.

I am currently working on four fur friends for a customer in Hawaii and have one other pup to photograph too.

Custom pet glass portraits are a lot of fun. I ask for good photos front and side at least of your pet, and any size requirements, special markings, etc. Then I go to work and make these small interpretations, which can be worn as jewelry pendants, used as holiday ornaments, or little sculptures to hang out where ever you want.

Besides pets, I've also done children, grandchildren and some pretty funny requests- from penguins wearing blue viking helmets, to cats wearing a pirate patch...I love them all.
Visit my etsy shop to see more of my work,

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kids, Dogs and Other Fun Stuff

Usually I choose a bead that illustrates what I'm thinking about, but today I just chose one that makes me smile. Jenny with an Attitude, does just that. I have seen my share of little girls who get in a huff, and they make me laugh.

For you bead lovers who read this, Jenny was made on a 1/16th mandrel and started as a tab. I had some extra green stringer that made a nice base and then added the head, arms, legs and extra details. The puppy came next, because she really needed to be carrying something special, and the sunglasses and tiny details are stroked on last.

I'll be posting again soon. Lots of thoughts floating around in here.

Take care,