Sparks called us last night using an iridium phone from Byrd Camp in the middle of the continent. She's living in a small tent and helping build the tent city for scientists and others who will be using it.
As with each call, I learn something new- she said the weather has been holding them back a bit with windchill making it close to -50 below at times, wind at 40 knots and about 20' visibility... yikes! She sleeps with her water bottle, so it doesn't totally freeze up. Makes me appreciate my warm, cozy house so much more.
One of the cool things about their environment right now are the "sun dogs" Have you heard of them? This is new to me. They're like halo reflections on each side of the sun. She said with the snow, (and 24 hour sunlight), the reflect even more and it looks like little rainbows all over the sky.
So as always, I miss her. But I'm really proud of her. She said it's a dream job for her and what parent doesn't want their kids to be that happy?