Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Proposal- A Real Life Marriage Proposal via Muppets & a Movie Trailer

I'm the first to admit, I'm a sucker for a sweet romance and this real life marriage proposal and blog how it was done, touched me deeply.

You can read about it and watch it here. But the very short story is a young man had been with his darling for 10 years and decided it was time to propose. He went to great lengths to make it special and meaningful for her. Wait until you see and read about it. Click here and bring a tissue.

If you still have a spare moment, please click HERE, and vote for my Santa's Best Friends entry in the FlameTree Glass contest. Lots of great glass entries to view and you need to scroll to the bottom to vote.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Non Traditional Wedding Cake Toppers

I've been thinking about adding a wedding cake topper line to my glass art offerings and as I've been researching some non traditional ideas, I've come across plenty that I'm not sure I particularly like.

I am sure that some couples would find this topper humorous, with both on their cell phones. And probably this really is how they act. But as an onlooker, I wonder does this bode well for a happy marriage?

And here is a link to a second one that really made me question anyone who chooses it. It's title is "Ball and Chain". Unless it were a private joke that they both find funny, I'm not so sure how long this marriage would last either.

Now I'm asking you...what kind of non traditional wedding cake toppers do you envision? I was thinking about couples and their dogs. What would you suggest? I bet you've got some great ideas too.