Showing posts with label marcella baur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marcella baur. Show all posts

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Catching Up with Spirit Animal Totems

So I have been busy since I posted last time.
I added bison beads to my show list.  I kept them neutral with small bits of shimmery color.  I've done them in solid white as well.
And I was lucky enough to get some brilliant colors in my bears.  This is Lori Riley's dichroic glass. I love the color and consistently good product that I buy from her.
And I added a totem spirit bird too.  This one, I wanted to keep quite simple.  I just have the metallic glass on the wing, beak and eye.  I have some refining to do, but I love the large body with the smaller head.  

So I haven't been ignoring you, but had two back to back online sales on Facebook.  If you are interested and are on Facebook, please friend me and message me at the same time that you are doing so. (if I don't know you, sometimes I don't accept the friendship)  I'd love to have you join the private buying groups where I sell my beads twice a month.

So now, I'm working on my Beads of Courage donation beads for this years Iditarod Sled Race in Alaska.  I have two styles of bears right now and am debating whether I have time to get a third style for them too.  They just take awhile.  I'll show you those next time.

Until then, stay warm.  Enjoy life.  And of course, come back next week for another photo or two and to catch up.  

Monday, August 19, 2013

O.M.G. Owls, Monsters & Ghouls- Join Me For Class

I will be teaching Owls, Monsters & Ghouls at FlameTree Glass in Roswell, GA on Saturday, October 19th from 12-4.  Hope you can join me for this seasonal fun sculptural class.  Here is the sign up link, and check out FlameTree's other great classes too.

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Madly Listing

Thank goodness I'm not a boat with that blog title!  Actually, I'm working on my 50 listings for this Saturday's Tophatter live auction.  I am experimenting with this, so please come join me and the fun.  1pm EST on Saturday, Feb. 23rd.  This Saturday!

This is how it works.  I am partnering with Jenelle Aubade and her beads which are lovely sets, pairs and very jewelry design oriented. I'm bringing my sculptural pieces so they all complement each other.  The buyers join Tophatter and each piece is offered, one at a time and you bid in real time.  I am there to answer any questions.  And we each have our own little avatar person.  So sometimes you get great deals and sometimes the bidding goes high.  It looks like fun.

Here is the link:

Please come to see us!