Here's a shot of an assertive little ruby throated hummingbird who likes to chase away the other hummingbirds that come to my feeder. The feeder is attached directly onto my window, so I get to see them very clearly and at a very close range.
Next to the hummingbird is one of my whimsical birds. This one's name is Linguini and she's related to Stromboli and another Italian bird relative who live in a far away country. (Deb, we're not sure where Stromboli ever landed anyhow, are we?) This particular strain of bird doesn't quite have their directions figured out, but they're working on it.
For you beadmakers who are reading this, Linguini was made with coral #420 on a 1/16th mandrel. You can see stacked dots making up her "faux hawk" Stacked dots in a larger size and cooled and then slighted reheated to be pulled and shaped, are how I made his beak too. I like the unexpected necklace that she's wearing. (It's made out of Italian glass, of course!)
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And on a slightly different note, I'm working out a new format for this blog. I'd like to include a weekly tips and tricks, perhaps a tutorial every so often and more how-to's and info relating to the glass world. I'm not sure that telling you about yesterday's peach cobbler baking, (which was yummy) and my life, is as interesting as learning a little bit more about our glass world. I haven't decided where exactly I'm going to go with it, but maybe bring in a few more glass beadmakers and some of their thoughts and tips might be fun too. If you have ideas of what you'd like to see, please let me know.
Until then... take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend.