Showing posts with label free. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free. Show all posts

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Animoto and Piazzo San Marco - Fun Combination

I just tried out a video making site, called Animoto. It was a blast. You can make 30 second videos for free and for a small price, you can go more complex. Being a non technical type, it was great to be able to upload the photos easily, add some of their music (legally) and add a little text. I was using the "free" option, but I think there are a lot more things you can do, if you join.

So for my example are just a few of the photos I took when I visited Piazza San Marco in Venice Italy last spring. The architecture, the history and the size were jaw dropping. I might just head back there soon and try some of my collection of other photos from my trip or even my glass art.

And now it's your turn to create your own video slideshow at

Monday, May 3, 2010

LOST Bingo Cards- Who Knew?

I am almost a little concerned to admit it, but I have never watched the tv show, LOST. But, I do have dear friends who are absolutely enamored with it.

So in their honor, I am posting a website which has free LOST cards for playing LOST Bingo.

I did not know this is a game typically played, but when the word "FREE" pops up, I'm there.

So here is the Bingo link for your show fans. I hope you enjoy them and please let me know if you actually play it some time. Probably beats the "Hi Bob" game we played in

Friday, March 26, 2010

Pig Tutorial for Beads of Courage

Here is a free tutorial that I quickly drew out yesterday in response to a request for a Pig Tutorial for a Beads of Courage project. I hope you'll download this and use it with a smile in your heart and blinders on regarding my artistic ability. I bet you can figure out what I mean. If you want this as a pdf, please email me at and I'd be happy to shoot you the file.

Now make those beads for Dylan!
See you tomorrow,

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Free Fun Stuff!

"No one has ever become poor by giving."
-- Anne Frank

I just discovered Marilyn Scott-Waters' website, It is chock filled with FREE paper toys to print out, color, glue, sparkle and play with. From paper dolls and spinners to gift boxes with cute illustrations and otters, it's all a gift from her talented hands and heart.

Perhaps you have some little people who need another activity to keep them actively busy and happy...this could be for you. And if you're like me, you'll want to download some of these pdf.s just to try them out.

Enjoy. Wishing you a visit from "you-know-who" tonight down your chimney, or however he arrives. Don't forget the carrots for the reindeer.

Sending love and hugs,

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Free Twitter Buttons for Your Blog or Website

Are you tweeting on Twitter? Are you blogging or have a website too?

If you would like some FREE and very cute buttons to link your Twitter name to your sites, I've got a source for you.

Go to: and check them out. You just need to type in your Twitter name and click "go". Pretty easy. Copy the code into the correct location on your page and you're good to go.

Check out mine on the righthand side of this blog and don't forget to follow me, StudioMarcy. (don't worry, I don't tweet a lot.)

Now all you have to do is choose which one of the many choices fits you and your page's look the best.

See you tomorrow- and don't forget to tweet to me.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mini Tutorial- Making Mushrooms by Marcy Lamberson

Mushrooms traditionally add a bit of fancy to
to an owners collection, or wardrobe. Often I think of them being appreciated by people who enjoy fairies, and small woodland type vignettes.
I just happen to be one of those people and perhaps you are too. If so, here's a very simple mini tutorial for you, so you can make your own.

Marcy's Magic Mushrooms
(Okay, I grew up in the 60's and they aren't that type, but it sounds good.)

Glass: Light 
ivory, white stringer and color for mushroom cap. Most often it's red.
Tools: marver (I prefer a brass Stump Shaper, but any marver will do.)
1. I work on a 1/16th mandrel, but 3/32 would be just fine also. Starting at the end closest to the hand holding the mandrel, start winding your light ivory into a chubby donut shape.

2. Marver your donut into a stem shape similar to a cone without a sharp point. Keep that end nice and wide to attach the cap, but make it smaller than the base end.

3. Pat yourself on the back.
4. Using your mushroom cap color, make a small donut with about 3 wraps around the mandrel directly next to the smaller end of the stem. This makes sure that your mushroom cap will be smooth at the mandrel. Turn your hand holding the mandrel and point the flame directly at the top of the donut, so it gets warm and smooths out.
5. Gently marver it on a slight angle to slightly spread it out and smooth some more. Please note, depending on how pointed you want your mushroom cap, this is where you decide. Use a sharper angle marvering it, if you want a more pointed cap. If you happen to marver it too much and your glass gets too thin at the top, just sparingly add a few more dots of glass around the top of it and gently melt in and marver again- g e n t l y and not too hot.

6. Now, you should have a band of color for the start of the cap. Heat your rod of the same color and the rim of the small cap and point your flame where the two meet as you apply more glass in circles, widening your mushroom cap. It's like making a disk on a slight angle or a half of a hollow bead. Every couple of wraps, be sure to keep your mushroom warm.
7. Aren't you happy that you didn't make the top of the stem too thin? Because you need this top of the stem to help support your cap and make it more secure and easier to marver. Whoops, that's the next step.

8. Once you have enough mushroom cap on, then you can gently heat and marver it smooth. It will slightly contract and that's okay, because you know how to add more glass. I think getting a nice, smooth cap is more important. Once you have it the way you like it, there's just one more step.

9. Add your white dots. Sparingly. A few seem to work the best. Melt them in gently and marver if necessary. But not too hard, because then they aren't as opaque. Finish fire polishing your mushroom and pop it into the kiln. Or...

10. On my green mushroom below, I added a little bit of sparkle.
 A light pixie dust, (goes with fairy objects after all) or even a few little thin green stringer strands of glass grass on the base of the mushroom stem can add a touch of detail to make it more special.

11. Pat yourself on the back one more time. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Multicolr Search Lab ~ Fun Color Resource

Have you seen this site before, Mutlicolr Search Lab by Idee? It's really fun. I've taken some screen shots to show you and example of what it does.

You start out with a blank grid. See the color box to the right? You click on a color and the grid fills with pictures that are primarily of that color. Next you choose another color, and the grid changes pictures to include that color with the first. So you get a visual blend.

You can continue doing this with up to 10 colors. I chose three. You can see each individual color in a bar shape below the multicolor box. To change colors, you can just click on the color bar and it erases it. If you want the same color twice to increase the amount of that shade in a photo, then just click twice. If you click on the actual square with the photo, it will bring you to the original on Alamy's website..

So how does it relate to beadmaking? To me, quite well. I can see what different proportions of a variety of colors would look like on a bead. I can also see different patterns, (which is a bonus) and switch things around to decide which colors of glass to use. Normally, I just hold the rods together and eyeball them, but this is a fun and creative way to perhaps look at things a little differently.

But I have a feeling that I might use this another way too. I would perhaps use this as a "color chip" to practice my glass color mixing as well. That first color that I tried, we don't have it exactly in our glass. I might just keep a screen of it nearby when I next mix some glass together to make a new shade.

If you go to the FAQ section on this page, there is information on how to work with the BYO Image Search Lab too. I have not tried it, but it says you can upload your own images to do a visual search. If any of you try this, could you please report back and let us know how it works for you?

Now you've got another fun tool to enjoy. Let me know how it might relate to you and the way you enjoy being creative..

See you tomorrow.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Etsy Glass Artists- Different Strokes for All the Folks

Have you ever visited this blog?  It's the Etsy Glass Artists' blog and I'm a member of this Street Team.  One of the things I like about this group, is that it's a combination of different types of glass artists, so we can learn about each others' areas and ask questions.  It's nice to hear what products they use and get a handle on some tools that I might not have been aware of before.

Some of our EGA members have joined the One World, One Heart promotion, so we have a couple of pieces to giveaway.  You can click here to go to the blog and comment, which will put you in the running to win the gifts.

Here is my addition to the "loot".  It's Loki the elf mischief maker.  I thought with all the Valentines Hearts, he could stir things up a bit.

Hope you have a minute to stop by and comment.  Some great prizes to win and it's always lots of fun entering free contests.  Take a few minutes to poke around the blog too.  You might just find some new information that will help you in your own creative endeavors.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

One World, One Heart Giveaway- Scoop the Valentine Pup

Before I give you the Info on my give away, please note that I am having a Buy One, Get One Half Off SALE right now in my etsy shop, StudioMarcy- through February 7th. If you enjoy whimsical, one of a kind glass beads, this is a great opportunity.

I am participating in the One World, One Heart Giveaway this year. It's where bloggers who craft are each giving away a specific item to one lucky winner who comments here in this post. It has to be in this post to be eligible.

This program ends February 12th and I'll ship out your prize just as soon as you respond to my email.

If you want to see more people who are participating in this event, click on the One World, One Heart blue circle on the right of my blog. It will bring you to the mainpage of the organizer.

Here is Scoop the Valentine Pup who is my giveaway. He is technically a handmade lampwork glass bead that I made, but works well to keep you company as a little statue too. If you'd like to wear him, I'd be happy to add a sterling silver loop so you can put a cord through him. He's holding his tennis ball and a heart between his paws.

So comment away, and good luck- hope you win!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sign, Sign, Everywhere A Sign

Thought I'd tell you about more signs
As you can tell, there are all kinds

Make your beads with your concentrator
Then google search for "sign generator"

These are from
Eye popping variety - you can bet.

Very seldom are they "fine art"
But not too shabby for an old _______

(.....I was thinking "heart", weren't you?)


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How To: Celebrate with a Lampwork Bottle of Champagne

lampwork-glass-champagne-bottle-bead-focalLet's get this party started!  Nothing like a bottle of champagne and all those cute little bubbles tickling your nose, as you sip away.

How about making your own champagne with no grapes, oak barrels or fermentation needed?

This bead is about 1.5" tall.  I used a 1/16th mandrel with Dip 'n Go Blue Sludge bead release.

I always start at the "bottom" of my beads.  I'm left handed and work right to left across my mandrel.

Using Moretti sage green, I made a modified bicone and rounded up the center.  The bottom of the bottle is a truncated shape.  I didn't need that end of the bicone to be long and slim.    You could also build a barrel and let it round up in the middle a bit and marver the top end of it into shape.  As I don't have any champagne at home, the sale section of the Sunday newspaper had a good photo in a liquor store advertisement for reference.

So now we have the green bottle part and it's time to add the white neck.  Pretty simple once you break the bead down into shapes, isn't it?  Now you build the long white neck as a very slim barrel. Either a commercial or hand pulled white stringer will make it easier.  

To add the cork shape on the very end, I just make a small donut shape on the end of the barrel. Then I very gently roll and marver it down into shape.

Towards the end, I use my gold aventurine hand pulled stringer.  It's stiffer than the white glass, so keep that glass just barely warm, so it doesn't mush around on you.  Just make a few wraps and add as needed to get it the right thickness.  This covers your connection between the white and green glass and makes it look more finished.  Then I heat the surrounding area just a bit to marver it into shape.

My last step is to add the label onto the front.  I make three dots with the largest one in the center and two smaller ones on either side.  I gently flatten them to make the "gold" part of the label.  Then I add a white dot to the center over the top, to mimic the label on the original bottle.

These champagne bottles are great to make for gifts for friends.  Whether it's a wedding, baby, new relationship, (end to an old one?!), or even a new pet, there's always something that can be celebrated.

I'd love to see the ones you make.  And please, feel free to sell them too.  It's fun to share some of these shapes and if you make something based on this free tutorial, please send me a photo so I can enjoy it too.  I can see someone specializing in some of the bottle shapes and having a line of them to sell.  Wine bottles, champagne, beer...I bet there are customers out there for all of those.  (If you make them out of recycled glass, it could be a win/win situation too!)  It would be fun to see some of the wine and champagne glasses with this line too.

Meanwhile, if you have a moment, pop by my Etsy shop to see my latest offerings.  I add new ones daily.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Meet Guppy ~ From Plushie to Focal Bead

Meet Guppy. Guppy is the favorite stuffed animal of one of my customers' little girl. Apparently, Guppy isn't allowed to go everywhere the little girl goes, so her Mom decided to find her a stand in who could.

So she contacted me through my etsy shop and sent me a variety of photos of this beloved pink seal. I was touched. Obviously this is a well loved "friend" and as a fellow Mom, I have my memories of how attached my kids became to certain toys.

So let's talk about the process a little. How did I get from step A to step B?

I looked at the shape, the texture and the face on Guppy, to decide how to form this and where the hole needed to be.

Then I picked my colors, which you fellow glass artists know are limited, when it comes to pinks.
I used the Effetre pink and CIM's Gelly pink for the two shades.

My first two efforts, (not shown) were pretty scary. I had tried to give Guppy some texture, so she'd look more like a plushie, but she looked more like a seal wearing a lion costume, as I added fur around her little face. Needless to say, those two got scrapped, but they were helpful in figuring out the body shape and flippers.

On to a smoother and more refined Guppy. No textured fur. I built the body like a large donut shape at first. I wanted to get my height of the body with that. Then I started adding on to parallel sides. A little bit on the side where I would attach the head and face and a lot of glass onto the back side. It looked a little like an asymmetrical torpedo. I wasn't worried about the exact shape at first on the back flipper end, but wanted to get the mass of glass in place.

I added the head in the Effetre pink and flattened the part where the CIM pink face would go. Two dots where the eyes would be added and then the face. Just a bit of black stringer for the simple eyes and nose. I chose not to make the whiskers, because when they're fine lines, they tend not to look very least when I make them.

I shaped the front flippers with a little bit of detail made with pliers and then heated the back flipper side and slightly pulled it out for the elongated shape. I added to large dots of CIM and gently mashed them for the back flippers. A little more plier work for details (and maybe a touch of razor blade for more definition and we were good to go. Guppy is on her way to be wrapped for Christmas. What a fun gift and an everlasting memory.

You can see more angles of Guppy in the sold section of my shop. Just click here to get to it.

Do you have family favorite items that can be translated into glass memories? Or have you done it already? This was my first custom order like this and I really enjoyed making it. I could easily imagine a little girl loving that pink seal.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Two For Tuesday ~ Artisan Beaders Give Away & Silver Glass

I've bitten the bullet and finally have tried silver glass. Our local glass chapter has a new member who makes it and he brought some to sell at our last meeting and to show us how he uses it.

To be honest, I had been kind of avoiding it. The cost of $100/lb of glass, seems so expensive to me, and yet, as a true glass-aholic, I finally stopped resisting and gave in.

Here's just one photo of my results on this seashell. (I have more views in my listing here.) I got a pretty wide spectrum of colors and it seemed like treating it more like raku, got me the best results. I've seen different results from just about everyone who bought that evening. I know flame chemistry makes a difference, as well as striking it over and over, chilling it and probably singing love songs might change your results too.

Bottom line is that I'm really glad to try it and I'll continue to use it, but in small amounts. It gives a pretty variation of colors and is a lot of fun. If you want to find my new acquaintance, he sells on etsy as Striking Color.

And now for the FREE Giveaway from Artisan Beaders Street Team! Aren't these earrings lovely? They are classically elegant and perfect for just about anything that I wear.
(Including my usual casual jeans and a sweater)

This week, these black faceted glass and sterling earrings are from Kristy of Shiny Adornments. To find out how to win them, you need to visit the Artisan Beaders' blog and get the full directions. Just click HERE.

And if you ever want to read a fabulous blog full of selling and business tips as well as pretty jewelry, Kristy's is one of my faves.
I always learn great information from it.

So because of the multi-faceted post today, I have a few questions for you to answer...
Do you have a favorite silver glass- which one and where do you buy it? Do you have a favorite blog for selling and jewelry/lampwork business tips? What is the url? Oh so much to think about and it's just Tuesday. See you tomorrow... (oh, and p.s.- don't forget my BIG SALE in my etsy shop through this Saturday.)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Artisan Beaders Street Team Has Another Give Away

Artisan Beaders Street Team has posted this week's give away. Just click here for all the details. Don't forget, you need to enter before the end of the day on Friday to be eligible.

This week, we have a charming (pardon the pun) cell phone charm from Ainsley of Kaskaad Handmade Jewellery! Bright and sunny, this cell phone charm features a glass bead and Swarovski crystals, and is sure to make your phone cheery. Please note: this giveaway is for one charm; the photo above shows two different views.

A freebie? No strings attached? Why Not?