Showing posts with label cedar waxwings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cedar waxwings. Show all posts

Friday, March 9, 2012


The other day, I watched a huge flock of cedar waxwings swoop into my yard and decimate all the berries off of one large hedge within about 5-10 minutes. It was a feeding frenzy/orgy all at once. I'm for sharing, but it also is the home of one of my favorite cardinal families and I'm hoping they will still stick around.

The cedar waxwings were nice enough to drop a feather or two in my yard, which I quickly scooped up, ziploc bagged, and popped into my freezer.  I learned from Sara Sally to freeze for awhile (was it 2 weeks?), then defrost for awhile and then refreeze to be sure all the little living creatures were gone.  Instead of using these in my art, I have promised my cat Zeus, that they are earmarked, (or waxwinged) for him.  He has a penchant for feathers.

I am watching some cute tiny yellow finches feed right now and hoping that a pair of matching feathers get dropped for me. I'd love to make some earrings with them.

What do you make using nature's renewable resources?