Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Darwin Does It Again

Okay, I admit it.  I have some serious geek genes in me and when I saw this iPad or Kindle cover, I was totally amused.  I've always been a book-o- phile, (okay that isn't the correct word, but I make 'em up when I feel like it).  And this seems to hit a couple of my "likes".  books, iPads (please Santa, I've been good and really, really want one), and sense of humor too.  Nice!

It's on one of my favorite websites and catalogs, Uncommon Goods.  If you haven't visited there before and you have a quirky sense of humor, you might consider stopping by for a peek.  And then feel free to comment and tell me what you saw there that you like.  I always love hearing from you.

See you tomorrow with some glass news.