Showing posts with label beaders showcase. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beaders showcase. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Come See Me This Saturday!

I'll be at the Chattahoochie Nature Center's first Back to Nature Holiday Market and Festival this Saturday.

If you'll be in the metro Atlanta area, I'd love for you to stop by. It's a cute nature center right on the river and benefiting creatures and programs that relate to it. I'll have cute little animal and Christmas related beads, pendants and holiday ornaments as well as other fun offerings.

Saturday, December 5, 2009 - 10 am to 4 pm General Admission/Members FREE

Buy local this Holiday Season! Find unique gifts while staying away from the crowds of the mall. Come browse local vendors selling a variety of items for the perfect holiday present!

Activities include:

  • Holiday Marketplace with over 40 vendors selling local, handmade products!
  • Snowflake Scavenger Hunt on our Woodland Trails
  • Crafts and face painting for the kids
  • Musical entertainment that will get you in the spirit with this nature holiday shop around
  • Hot cocoa and coffee to warm the toes
  • Explore their brand new Discovery Center and take home a fun nature souvenir from our Gift Shop
  • Visit with some of CNC’s non-releasable wildlife up-close throughout the day

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Making Your Own Headpins

Do you belong to Beaders Showcase?

I really enjoy that they strongly encourage videos to be posted there. I recently watched one on making your own headpins.

Here is the link to the How To Make Your Own Headpins.

I hadn't realized that it's so easy to do. I'm not sure that I want to make all of my headpins, but there are times in which an extra long one is needed. Or now that I have watched it, I think there are other things I might want to do with fine silver. I just need to think of what they may be. Got any ideas?

Of course it wouldn't be so much fun if a torch wasn't involved. The Creative Jeweler, who made this video, said even a creme brulee kitchen torch would work. I guess that's an excuse to go buy something else that's shoots fire. Woo hoo! I like those tools.

Do you make your own headpins or something else that is really easy? Tell me about it. I'm always interested in acquiring new skills. Especially if they involve just a touch of danger.

See you tomorrow-