Showing posts with label a rose by name. Show all posts
Showing posts with label a rose by name. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Kiss My Curvy "S" or What Should I Name These?

Conundrum time. I have acquired a new brass bead press from Mallory. It's for a special project I'm working on, but I wanted to play with the press and try out different glasses in it and styles.

So I made a few and am going to offer them in my Studio Marcy Etsy Shop.
However, I'm just not sure what to call them. It's a "Wiggle" press, but I don't want to use their name.

I've been mulling over other ideas...wavy, curvy, swoosh - (nope, Nike has the corner on that market), worm, squiggle or undulation. I ended up listing this one as an "S" Curve with a little amusing joke written in the listing.

My husband looked at them and said the colored ones look like Gummy Worms to him.

This blue one I etched to look like sea glass. It's a light transparent blue that got a dunking in acid etch. I've got a few of these in other sea glass colors made too.

I'm open to ideas. Anyone have a name for these? If I choose your idea, I'll send you one that is a funkier version than these shown. I think you'll like it.

Thanks for your help. I'm taking suggestions through Thursday 10 am Eastern Time. Now get out there and put on your thinking cap. I need YOUR help!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Meet A Rose By Name - Featured Artist

Meet Anna of A Rose By Name who has a shop on etsy...

When I asked Anna how she chose her shop name, she replied poignantly, "My shop's name is derived from two things, the Shakespearean quote "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." and it's also in remembrance of my mom whom I lost far too soon. Roses were her favorite."

Anna said she is addicted to the tiny Delica beads and loves to weave them especially using the peyote beadweaving technique. I am amazed at the intricacy of her work and the detail. It's so gorgeous.

The viewer also notices the quality of each piece. Anna told me that she will not sell a piece that she thinks is inferior in quality. "There will not be any threads sticking out or knots visible if at all possible. I always try to use quality findings as well, " she continued.

"Linked to the Sea" Anna used this as part of her description:
This gorgeous necklace was created by stitching individual links using the peyote beadweaving technique and then meticulously linking them together. The colors are a range of sea colors from deep blue green to stormy gray Delicas. Each link consists of 64 beads woven together and there are 110 links for a total of 7,040 beads!

"Geometric Gemtones" This is part of the description listed:
We have Japanese Delicas in wine, cherry, topaz, green, moss, eletric blue, midnight blue, dark violet and blue-magenta and all surrounded in metallic silver. I've opted to finish this piece off with a square of beads for a toggle.

All I can say is "WOW!" to each of these and so much more in her shop. I am so impressed and love her work. Please stop by and visit A Rose by Name and tell her Marcy sent you.