I worked extra-special hard to get the 4 doors painted in the master bedroom.
I can finally happily say that my master bedroom is complete!
This is how my masterpiece looks today:
I think maybe I should explain myself....
You see, almost instantly after completing this room, I received a very important phone call from some contractors that need to do some very important improvements to my home.
I had only 45 minutes to clear all the junk out of my closets so that they could come over and install some drywall, tape it up, and mud them.
Hence all the junk ended up on my bed, under my bed, all over the floor....etc.
The thought popped into my head that I should ask them to wait so I could snap some oh-so-important photos for my personal blog, but the Hubs didn't really go for it, haha.
So the closets are done, and since everything's out of them anyways, I'm going to finish up the flooring in them.
I have decided to not yet prime and paint.
1. Because I need to re-route some wiring. I don't like cables/wires just tacked to a wall. I think they should be hidden.
2. I think you all have waited too long already to see the master bedroom reveal.
The contractors will be here for the remainder of the week. I'm going to finish up the closet flooring tonight and start putting everything back in, so that hopefully I can snap some photos for everyone!
I also noticed that my Followers are dropping off like flies, no doubt from my failure to deliver some promising projects.
I really appreciate everyone's patience with me. This whole thing took me by surprise, and I know it's frustrating to keep waiting. I also delete many blogs from my Following list if I get bored with it, so I know how it is.
However, this is a personal blog for me. I don't use this as a source of income, but just to keep people updated on what's going on in my life, and possibly a few tips/tricks around the house, so if nothing exciting is happening, then I don't write, ya know?
BUT I'm extremely happy that you are reading this, because that means YOU haven't given up on me!
Thank you so much!
Anyways, today the contractors finished up putting up drywall, taping, and mudding 4 kneewall closets.
They also blew in some insulation in our attic, which was desperately needed.
William got a brand new aluminum double-pane window today.
Tomorrow's "hopefully" agenda:
Patching a bad section of the roof.