Showing posts with label features. Show all posts
Showing posts with label features. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Featured: Or So She Says

My gumball-maching-turned-fishbowl was featured on "Or So She Says."

Click here to check out the feature!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Featured: The DIY Showoff

I swear, Roeshel from The DIY Showoff is my biggest supporter.

Many of my followers originally found me through her!
The DIY Show Off

If you don't know her, click the image above to check out her blog!

You can also click here to go directly to my feature!

AND a huge thanks to Roeshel for the feature. It is much appreciated!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Featured: Someday Crafts

Click here if you want to check out the post on Someday Crafts that featured my kitchen island!

Thank you, Michelle, for the feature!

If you want to get great tips on crafting up anything (decor, clothes, accessories, etc.) check out Michelle's blog Someday Crafts.

P.S. I do have some new material for you. I have two presentations and a final paper to write for school, so that's consuming a bit of my time. I'll be showing you a quick organizational tip within the next few days, and also a few pictures from this year's "Pre-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving."

Monday, November 1, 2010

Featured: The Creative Crate

My charging basket was featured over at Creative Crate!


It's a great blog to get great ideas for your home!
Click the button above!

Thank you so much, Stacie!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Featured & Some Family Photos

Yay! My trunk restoration was featured over at Someday Crafts.
That makes my mediocre Wednesday much better.
I also picked up some family photos while visiting my grandma tonight.
The crafty man behind my trunk:
Henry Reis

And in 1960, a year before he died.

My grandma said that his "cheapness" drove my great-grandmother crazy.

Don't we call it "being thrifty" now?
I'm proud of it!

Now I just have to find a set of frames worthy of such awesome vintage photos.

(sigh) I love vintage photos....

Friday, June 25, 2010

Featured: Remodelholic

My living room remodel was featured over at Remodelaholic!
My bookcases were also recently featured.
Check out the feature, here.

You can get great amounts of inspiration on her website for your own home!
Become a follower!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Featured: Remodelholic

Yay! I was featured at Remodelholic!

To check out the feature of my built-ins, click here.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Featured: The DIY Showoff; Bookcase Decorating

The DIY Show Off

Good evening everyone!
I got an exciting email from Roeshel over at The DIY Showoff today. She featured me again (4th time?), and I couldn't be more ecstatic!
Not only is she awesome, but her friends leave the nicest comments!
I'm so glad that so many of these nice people stopped by my little corner of the blog universe!

I'm hoping everyone sticks around for the grand reveal of the bookcases!
It's all finished, but I'm just waiting on these baskets to come in from Target.
That's only $11 per basket! That's not bad at all!
They are made specifically for DVD storage!

But since I don't want my entire bookcases lined with baskets (I have a lot of DVDs....) I'm going to be also ordering these from Target.

...because the easiest way to decorate is to copy the store picture!


Thanks again, to Roeshel, for everything!
Check out the special feature here!

Monday, May 10, 2010

A Surprise Feature

I was just scrolling through today's posts of blogs that I follow, when I randomly saw a picture of my bathroom closet!

I didn't link up to her or anything! She saw my project on The DIY Showoff, and thought it was great! So she also linked up to it!
Then another website featured me and linked up to Someday Crafts (the website is Craft Crave)
Check out the original post here.
Check out The DIY Showoff feature here.
Check out the Someday Crafts feature here.
Check out the Craft Crave feature here.

Wow, that's such a wonderful surprise! I'm really glad I'm a follower of her website or I wouldn't have known about that feature! Haha!

You know you're an addicted DIYer when:
-you receive lumber for Mother's Day and you're STOKED!
-you cleaned out the hardware store of not one, but two, different dimensions of lumber.
-you run down a store associate to 1. ask if they have any more lumber hiding somewhere. 2. give them your # so that they can call you immediately when it arrives.
-you see 10 store associates and at least 5 of them ask what project you are up to now.
-the stock boys will start loading your truck for you while you're still paying, because they know what you drive without even asking.
-you have a bonfire with friends all night long, and the fire is completely going from your scrap wood pile. At the end of the night, you still have 75% of your scrap wood pile.

There are worse things to be addicted to.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Featured at The DIY Show Off (and an update!)

Hey guys!
I woke up this morning to an awesome email from Roeshel at The DIY Show Off!
I'm sure everyone out there in the blog world has heard of her, but if not, go check her out!
The DIY Show Off

On another note, our new dishwasher is in! It has many more features than my old Bosch, which is awesome!
My step-dad redid the plumbing and electrical. I'm glad he was able to appreciate the half-assed ways of the previous owners of this house.

And the trim is 20% done in the living room. My mom is a remodeling expert, and she gave me a helping hand just when I was about to throw a hammer through the wall.
Maybe if this darn house was level....

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Featured: Knock Off Wood

My patio table was featured over at Knock-Off Wood!

Ana makes great furniture plans! They are super easy to follow, and the results are amazing!
Check it out for yourself!
Knock-Off Wood

Thank you so much Ana for bragging about my furniture, again!
You're the coolest!

I do have a bunch of things lined up to show you, and one BIG surprise.
I have to go to work 5 hours early (plus...ya my original shift. Blah....), so I'm a bit constrained on time today!
Stick around for more fun to come!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Featured at Someday Crafts!


I was featured, again, at Someday Crafts! This one is for my mail center!

Click the image above to check it out.

If you're not a follower of Michelle's blog, you should be! She is BY FAR one of the nicest people I have met in blog-land. Her comments and encouragement bring tears to my eyes.
Her site features daily projects from people all over the blogging community. It's a GREAT place to get ideas for your own home, attire, etc.
As I stated before, check out her site and become a follower if you're not already!

Update: Michelle ended up featuring me twice in one day, so instead of doing 4 posts in one day, I'm just going to add the second feature here!
Click here to check out the second feature!

Featured: Knock Off Wood

Knock Off Wood

I was featured on Knock Off Wood's Bragging Board!

I'm really kicking myself for not cleaning the carpet/taking a better picture/dressing the table better.....oh well =P

Thank you so much, Ana, for featuring me!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Featured at Someday Crafts!

Wow, two features in one day!
That's awesome!

Click the picture below to check out the feature, and if you're not a follower of Someday Crafts, you should be!
You can get so much design inspiration out of this one website alone!
Thanks, Michelle!

Featured at Domestically Speaking!

Woohoo! My Tree Branch Curtain Rods got featured by Maryann over at Domestically Speaking!
Click the image above to check out the feature!
Thank you so much, Maryann!

Monday, January 4, 2010


The DIY Show Off

Well it happened again! I was featured at The DIY ShowOff again!
I'm SURE all of my readers are followers of Roeshel's blog, and if you aren't, shame on you!
Go check out the feature by clicking here.

I was overwhelmed by the feedback given about the kitchen. So many wonderful people!
I also had tons of feedback about the backsplash, so it's settled:
the backsplash will be painted!

Actually, I still need to install a backsplash on the other cabinets, lol.

In due time!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I've been featured over at The DIY Showoff again!
I'm a hard-core follower of this blog, and if you aren't, you should be!!
Click the image above to go check out the feature and tell Roeshel "hi!"

Thursday, October 29, 2009


The air is cool, the season is fall,
Soon Halloween will come to all.
Ghosts and goblins, spooks galore...
Tricky witches at your door.
The spooks are after things to do,
In fact, a spook brought this "BOO" to you.
The excitement comes when friends like you,
Copy this note and make it two.
We'll all have smiles on our faces,
When we see who Boo'd who's places.

I was Boo'd by Heidi at the Craft Monkey. Now I get to pass the Boo onto 4 of my favorite blogs.

1. Roeshel at The DIY Showoff- Obviously one of my favorite blogs, if you are an avid reader of mine. Not only does she have awesome projects and remodels of her own, but she showcases tons of other people's projects and remodels. Her blog is my go-to site whenever I need a little inspiration.

2. Whitney and Ashley (sisters) at Shanty2Chic- These girls can turn ANYTHING into something gorgeous! I've been breathless at some of their projects. Everytime I read their blog, I want to head to a salvage yard. Their taste is so elegant!

3. The Nesting Place- I wish I knew her name. She refers to herself as "The Nester." Her projects and advice are amazing, and also the inspiration to one of my coming-up posts. I'm posting my chronicles of her "31 Days to a Better Dressed Nest."

4. Kim at Twice Remembered- Her home transformations are amazing. She recently did a brick backsplash that I'm completely jelous of.

This BOO party was started by Toni@The Tattered Cottage.
Please keep the fun going by following these instructions.

1. You have 24 hours to work your spell

2. Copy and post the Halloween Boo Poem with the instructions for playing.

3. Pick 4 blogs you enjoying visiting and tell why you enjoy visiting them, with a link to their blog and remember to link back to me.

4. Go to the original BOO Party post at the Tattered Cottage and add your MckLinky.

5. Let's see how fast and far this spreads between now and Halloween.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Featured at The DIY Showoff!

The DIY Show Off

Holy wow!
I've been featured at The DIY Showoff again!
And not just any feature, but one dedicated solely to me!
Roeshel and I seem to have the same sense in style, as well as a deep love for high style for low price (but who wouldn't?)

As I've said before, if you're not a follower of this blog, you need to be!
Her own soon-to-be bathroom remodel is highly anticipated on my part!

Click on the button above to check out her site, you won't be sorry!
Thanks Roeshel!

Keep DIYing!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I've been featured!

I've been featured at the DIY Show Off! And not just one of my projects, but THREE!
I think I wet myself....
Thank you Roeshel!
Click the Button to check out her lovely site!

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