Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Work hard, Play harder

I like to think that I'm a hard-working individual.
With juggling so many things at once, I become a little ball of stress.

Sometimes it's okay to blow off some steam with some good pals.

Sometimes it's okay to put a bottle rocket in your good pals back pocket.


Don't worry, we had his permission!

With our love of fireworks and our lack of regard for personal safety, I'm really REALLY glad my aunt gave us a fire extinguisher.

Now what to do with the 96 shot  roman candle...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Smarty Pants Dance

Holy Frig! I pulled of an A in my accelerated class!
This is what I feel like right now...

And now I can return to my usual self. I'm working on some projects today.

Life is good....

Monday, March 1, 2010

Scarf Organization - Video

Does anyone's entryway closet look like this?

I thought baskets would contain the mess....It didn't

So this is what I did...


Much better contained!

Hmmm...I need to make my March To-Do List. Tomorrow maybe?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Table Skirt Video Tuturial

Woohoo, my first video post!!

I made a table skirt.

I hope you enjoy it!

Okay, I know I look like butt in this video. Don't make fun of me! 

I threw my hair into a pony as soon as I woke up so I could get down and dirty.

Usually I look like this:

Yeah, I wish....haha!

No, really though, this is me on a decent day:

hm....I don't LOVE this picture, but "take an awesome self-portrait for my blog" is on my February To-Do List, so I guess I can live with it....for now!

Things to be aware of while you watch the video:
-the crazy disgusting garage. (We only clean it in the warmer months. Hey...Winter lasts 9 months here!)

-the lack of baseboard in my bedroom. (I told you that my house is odd!)

-The amazingly ugly carpet in the bedroom (I want hardwood floors, but I'm still trying to figure out how to do it once you get to the top of the stairs....maybe I should finally hire a pro...ha!)

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