Hello Everyone!
Welcome to Whimsy Wednesday!
I hope your week has been delightful so far!
I've had a week full of long days thus far and was feeling uninspired and rather un-whimsical (that's a word now!! I've declared it!) today. The sun was shining and the temperature warm, so I decided to tromp around in the snow today! As I meandered, I saw all sorts of images I wanted to capture, so I retrieved my camera and gave it my best shot (Ha!)!
Title: Submerged, Discovered
I loved how the melting snow was uncovering and allowing a discovering (or re-discovering) of what lies underneath! Isn't that just a fabulous mix of textures! Don't you just want to know what that whole bit of stuff is? I'm intrigued by the bit of machinery in the background, too! Whee!
Next up!
Title: Skeletons

I loved the contrast of the dark, aged metal against the pure white snow! It was also fun to see the connection between the bare-bones feel of the old hay rake and the de-nuded trees sleeping whilst awaiting Spring!
Let's wrap this up with a newly-grown bracelet creation!
Title: CoExist, With Chocolate!

Ingredients: lead-free pewter, Czech glass, Jeweler's bronze, Artistic wire, aluminum, copper.
I had so much fun creating this bracelet! The charms, from left to right are: something that reminds me of a temple bell in some exotic land, the yin-yang (a symbol of balance), a lotus flower with a star above it (lotus flowers are sacred to Buddhists), the Tree of Life (sacred to many forms of Pagan and Old World belief systems), spirals and stars (sacred symbols in all aboriginal legends across the globe), Celtic-style cross (an ancient mix of Christian and Pagan/Nature-based Worship), and a chocolate Kiss! Yup! There is the chocolate!
Need I explain the whimsy in this piece?
A few other tidbits(HA!)...Copper has been a sacred metal in cultures that span the globe. The lock and key clasp includes a heart-shaped key. This symbolizes the key to living harmoniously with all belief systems is through an open heart. And finally, the colours used to suspend the charms match those associated with the seven Chakras of the body.
Intriguing, eh?!
So! That's my suggestion for world peace - an open heart and chocolate! YAY!!!
I think I'll go scout out some chocolate and start with that part now! *grin*
Before we take our leave of each other, I have some late breaking news to share!
I've a newly-scheduled BlogTalk Radio Interview this Sunday!
And I'll be back on the BlogTalk Radio air in a few days with Cheryl Patton of 1Woman's Wisdom!
Both of these will be in the archives for later listening if your schedule does not allow you to listen to me live!
I'll see you on Friday!