15 September 2010


Follow my blog with bloglovin

If you get this blogpost in your reader - it´s because you haven´t found my new blog.
So please please go to my new blog instead - either via bloglovin or just here.

Thank you.

21 April 2010

My Etsy Shop is open

Hello again - this is just a quick note to let you know that my Etsy shop is now open - and full of Spring Goodies. Also please notice that this is my old blog, which no longer is updated - so please update your links to my new blog which you can find at www.spagat.dk/blog - come on over!

08 March 2010

Impatient Paper Flowers DIY

I´m sharing a simple DIY idea at my new blog today - so head over here at the new Spagat Blog - and remember that it´s my new playground now - so change your bookmarks - and come on over and have a look at much larger photos and the new design.

22 February 2010

Welcome to my new blog!

My new blog is up and running - please head over to it for much bigger pictures - more space- and rss-feed - and please change your subscription and links to the new blog since this old blog will not be up-dated anymore. I will also start to send out newsletters with the best from the blog - and much more inspiration on varoius subjects - it will be in Danish primarily - but with links and photos that everyone can "read" - and the blog post will remain in English due to the high number of international readers. Just sign up for the newsletter with your name and email adress.

18 February 2010

Feature in Boligliv

Our studio and homes are featured in the March 2010 issue of the Danish magazine Boligliv – We hope you´ll enjoy it – and will feel welcome inside our studio and homes. And yes off course it´s always so tidy!

New beginnings

Somethings in life are worth waiting for, like spring, Prince Charming and new websites.
I can´t tell you how happy I am to welcome you at my new website now - I´ve just moved in - so it´s still a little messy - with lots of work to be done - but it´s bigger and brighter!

I´m also slowly putting the new blog together - so stay at this adress for a little longer.

10 February 2010

Keeping track

I´m in the process of designing new websites for both Line and I - we will then shift to wordpress and will have brand new blogs to share also. My website is down untill next week - so stay tuned and enjoy this little piece of art which shows my mousepath for a few hours yesterday. Seen here

04 February 2010

How many pillows...?

I´m going to Formland tomorrow to catch up on the latest trends in home accessories, design and gifts. I know for a fact that after a whole day spent there I´ll be overloaded with impressions and also the thought of "how many pillows does the world actually need??" But then again -pillows are such a great and cheap way to refresh a room - and I´m already in love with these darlings above designed by the Norvegian design duo Darling Clementine for Ferm Living.

03 February 2010

Wishing for...

I´m wishing for spring now - eventhough I enjoy working from home due to all the snow and the low temperatures at the studio. Today my little shy assistent drew this wishlist for her upcoming 6-years birthday - and as a surprise to her (and a help to our guest) I turned her drawing into real photos. Nothing pink - and no mice please!

02 February 2010

Old car repair shop - New home

I saw this charming home in the latest issue of Mad & Bolig - and love how the couple has transformed this old car repair shop into a charming home - filled with thrift finds and nice details.
More photos here - And more homes here. Photos & styling by Indenfor.com

29 January 2010

Working from home

I´ve been working from home the last couple of days - and enjoy my view from the dinner table and the company of my little creative assistent now and then... she is already quite clever when it comes to working in Illustrator - but also a little messy and she talks a lot - so next week I´ll be back in my studio.

If you look at the second photo you can see the artwork I posted about here - we got it as a wedding present this summer - love it.

I´m going to Copenhagen on saturday to meet up with a lot of Danish bloggers - and I´m sooooo looking forward to this.

28 January 2010

Donna Wilson

The lovely blanket and Cloud cushions in the moodboard are by talented Donna Wilson.

27 January 2010

Bedroom Inspiration

Ha ha - let´s see how the search engines react to this title! Well the thing is that our bedroom needs some love when it comes to the interior design, so I created this moodboard for the new look. Right now it´s all white and clean - and only decorated by the big world map with lots of blue and brown tones. I wish to add more softness and darker colours to the room and still like the colour combo of brown and turquoise -I´m also wondering if we should paint one wall in a dark chocolate brown, or gold or wallpaper it. Any suggestions anyone?

25 January 2010

Walk & Talk

Today I spent most of my workday walking & talking with a new client on her land. And what a perfect day for spending the day outside with clear blue sky, sun and crisp snow. Walking and talking is a great way to start a new project - especially in this case when the job is all about branding this little piece of heaven and the unique business she has started here. I´ll tell you more later...

22 January 2010

Daily Drop Cap

Did you see the Daily Drop Cap blog yet? It´s an amazing project by typographer and illustrator Jessica Hische. Each day she posts a new hand-crafted decorative initial cap for your enjoyment and for the beautification of blog posts everywhere. To use a Daily Drop Cap on your site or blog - like I just did here, just follow the instructions under each post - and remember to check out her great portfolio too.
Have a happy weekend.!

I could not resist

Last night I went to the opening of Kunst for Alle, here in Ă…rhus - to say hi to my studiomate Line. I fell in love with this collage by Marianne Markvad - and quickly convinced myself that I needed a present. (I´m really good at that ). So now it has a new home in my dinning room - Love it!

21 January 2010

Inside & Outside the studio

When it looks so grey in grey outside the studio - you just need some colours inside (and a pair of warm boots). The orchids are from Singapore airport - and the big striped Omaggio vase is by Kahler.

20 January 2010

Trends 2010 by bora.herke stilbĂ¼ro

Last year I went to the Ambiente fair in Frankfurt and really enjoyed the trendzones and the trendtalk by bora.herke stilbĂ¼ro. I will not be going this year - so I was happy to find 4 new 2010 trend interpretations by them. They are titled.
  1. present + everlasting
  2. crafted + original
  3. progressive + sensitive
  4. genuine + sincere
- and you can read more about each trend here at Ambientes website.

The one that appeals to me and my scandinavian roots the most is off course number 4. genuine + sincere.

14 January 2010

Joy on Automatism

You can find my guest post about Joy  today at the lovely and always inspiring Automatism Blog, by canadian collage illustrator Lori Langille.

My photo over there is made via Poladroid, and now you can also create perfect Polaroids for your Iphone via this application, Shake it Photo.

Illustration by Automatism.

13 January 2010

What type are you?

I went to see a psychiatrist today via Pentagram. You, too, can drop by his office to learn What type are you?.  Answer 4 simple questions and find out your "type," complete with a history lesson on that font. I was diagnosed as Cooper Black Italic - The password is "character." Have fun!

12 January 2010

Learn something new everyday

I just came across Learn Something New Everyday - a self initiated daily project by UK based design studio Young. I love all the fun facts and the simple drawings. And if your New Year resolution is to learn something new everyday - here´s the perfect answer!

11 January 2010

Glimpses of Thailand - Blues

The last post with photos from our trip are The Blues. As you can tell it was a very quiet and peacefull trip - and just what I needed to recover completely. Back home in Denmark is so cold and crisp - with lots of snow - and it´s so hard to get back to work again.... Life IS a Beach!
Singapore - Koh Chang - Koh Mak - Koh Kood - Bangkok.

09 January 2010

Glimpses of Thailand - MUTED

Here´s some photos with muted colours - and YES that´s my arm around the elephant - and NO I would never share my Pringles with a monkey! and also I think Nanna´s smile says it all!