Showing posts with label maker of stuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maker of stuff. Show all posts

Monday, October 10, 2016

The Craft Shows are Coming!! The Craft Shows are Coming!!

I have been collecting craft supplies for a lot of years.  Probably 25 years.  I use up a lot of supplies when I make things...but honestly, there seems to be no way I can "make" fast enough.
For years I've enjoyed taking old stuff and repurposing it into new stuff.  I was constantly on the look out for vintage sewing & kitchen items, baby shoes, old china pieces and bakeware, buttons, baubles, and bows....well you get the idea.  Plus I've always been quick to make a purchase at those after Christmas clearance sales...actually after anything clearance sales!! 
This year I decided it was time to use up as much of the accumulated stuff as possible.  That means no buying additional supplies unless it's absolutely needed to complete a project.
Like glue sticks or fiberfill for instance.
I'm happy to say that so far I've been successful!!  
I haven't had to buy anything yet...not even glue sticks.  I discovered that I hoard those too!!

Here's a look at some of the things I've made for my two upcoming craft shows!

There's more in the works!
The only negative thing so far....most everything I'm making is small in size.  There doesn't appear to be less of anything as far as supplies go.  But I'll keep at it!

Monday, July 27, 2015


I'm not sure where I'll be selling my creations this year...hopefully a craft show or two...maybe even an Etsy shop!  But wherever I end up trying to sell, I want to have a huge selection of things to choose from. So I am determined that I will be making things at least a couple times a week.  
I'm planning to be very busy!
These are some scraps from some old feed sacks.  
I used them to "wrap" the wooden embroidery hoops for my new project.

These are some old pillowcases and table linens.  They're all a bit discolored and they have holes on them here and there.  Perfect for cutting up and popping into some hoops.

But first I wrapped the hoops with strips of fabric torn from the old feed sacks 
(and other fabric scraps).  I just love the look!!

The colors of the feed sack look so good with this bird stitchery.  It's one of my favorites.  One of my daughters-in-law likes the owls trimmed with red and white checks.  I think I'll be adding that to my gift cupboard!

I got eleven of them done...and I have 4-6 more to go. These are FUN to make!  Including picking out scrapbook paper and wrapping paper for the back side of each one. 
Making stuff with other stuff is one of my very favorite things to do!!

Friday, April 10, 2015


I'm in a rut.
Actually, I'm in several ruts.
Ruts all over the place! Mostly stemming from unwanted change that's happening in my life.  The past couple years have seen changes at my church...not bad changes, but changes just the same. This year there will be changes in my family life, and changes in the workplace. Again, nothing really bad, but definitely different. I don't like change. I don't cope with it well. Right now I feel like the changes are coming at me from every direction...including from within! There are even physical changes going on...and not the kind of changes I want!

I'm working on getting out of the rut I'm in. Partly because I don't like being in it...mostly because when I'm in one it's because my focus isn't where God wants it to be. So I'm working on it.  I'm trying to change my focus, and I'm praying that I'll graciously adjust to the changes. 

In the meantime, I don't want my blog to go too long between posts, so I took some random photos of my craft room.  I thought I'd share them here today.  My goodness...I have a lot of stuff!
That's something that I think will never change!!


"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by

 the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern

 what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and

 perfect." Romans 12:2

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Yardsticks and Rulers

I have a pretty nice collection of yardsticks and rulers!  This photo shows many of them.
 The aqua yardstick is one of my favorites. It's a great color!

Pinterest has a pretty nice assortment of ideas for using them! 
 Using them on stair risers is my favorite...but I'm pretty sure it won't be Bill's favorite.

Covering a tabletop with some, or using them to make a hook board are
 pretty fabulous ideas too!



Look what you can do with just one yardstick! Love this tree!!
I think it would look great on my front door next Christmas.


Key chains are a perfect way to use up some of the scraps, and even a little inch can
 become a fun magnet!  So many little time. 
But I really hope to make one or two of these ideas happen soon!

