Showing posts with label family birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family birthday. Show all posts

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Grandkids and Birthdays

We celebrated the last one for the year a week ago. his birthday party...last Saturday!
Five years old!!!

So far this year, I've pretty much ignored my blog, so there were no special 
birthday posts for each of them.  Pitiful....I know!
Next year I hope that I'm better about it.  It's a joy to look through this blog and 
experience their birthdays past once again.
 Fortunately I did share birthday photos on Instagram!
Here they are, along with a link to LAST year's blog post birthday celebrations!!  

Elijah - 8 years old on January 7th

Fletcher - 2 years old on January 7th

Penelope - 7 years old on March 25th

August - born on April 18th (this year)

Louisa aka Lulu - 3 years old on May 8th

Charlotte - 8 years old on May 14th

Caleb - 5 years old on July 25th

I am so blessed to have seven sweet grandchildren.
I thank God for them...always!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Happy Birthday Katie!

Sure hope your day is special in every way!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Mandy's Birthday

Today is Mandy's birthday.
My baby is 32 years old...which isn't very old.
But when I consider she's my youngest...I feel really old!

These are some photos we took last April...before Kevin and his family moved to Texas.  We decided we wanted a picture of Aunt Mandy with all the "Littles" sitting on the ground.  Of course we decided this after an hour plus of other picture taking.  Some of the "Littles" were about done!  Some of them (along with Aunt Mandy) were just plain goofy!

We managed to get one fairly calm photo though.

We also got this one earlier in the photo shoot.  It's one of my favorites!  
Thanks to Jacqi for taking these!!

This next photo I took.  It was a party just waiting to happen.  
Happy Birthday Mandy!
We love you a bunch...and hope you have a great day!! 

Tonight she'll be celebrating her birthday by going to a concert at 
Four different acts...the main attraction being
NeedToBreathe...her favorite band!  
She's going with friends...and she's taking Charlotte with her!  
Praying for good times for all...and good weather too! 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

My Mom

Today is an extra-special's my mother's birthday!!

Happy Birthday to You.
Happy Birthday to You.
Happy Birthday to my Momma.
Happy Birthday to You!!

I love her...a bunch, and I wish we lived near each other.
We'd be going to Red Lobster for a birthday lunch today if we did, and she'd be ordering Stuffed Flounder! Then we'd go out for some custard ice cream, and afterwards home for a game of Scrabble.
That's what we'd do if we lived near each other!
But we don't. I'll give her a call sometime today...and wish her the best birthday ever!  And I'll thank God for giving me such a great mom.  And I'll miss her...a bunch!

This is my Mom with her grandson Mike, and his godson Brayden.
Brayden is my Mom's newest great grandchild...number 14!
Mike is one of her 14 grandchildren!
I'm the only one of her children who "left home" so she still has a lot of family nearby...and she loves that!

I hope you have an excellent day Mom!
I hope it's just as special as you!!

Visit HERE to see more blog posts about "My Mom".

Thank you to Brayden's mommy for this photo!
I "borrowed" it from her Facebook page.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

More May Birthdays

Today is Charlotte's 7th birthday!

When did this happen?  Why does she look so grown up?
She is such a sweet little girl...kind and generous and growing up way too fast!  
I love this photo of Charlotte and Lulu...the expression on Charlotte's face is so pretty. 

This past year (which included 1st grade) has been a wonderful adventure for her!  
She's learning so fast!  I love seeing her interested in reading.  
It's becoming a favorite thing to do.
Happy birthday Charlotte...I hope you do lots of favorite things today!!  
Grandpa and I love you so much!! Happy birthday sweet girl!!

Charlotte and Lulu (who just had a birthday on the 8th) will be celebrating their 
birthdays this coming Sunday.  It's going to be great fun!

Today is also my oldest son's birthday. 

It's the first birthday he'll be celebrating since he and his family moved to Texas.  
He's only been gone for two weeks, but somehow it seems like forever. 
I miss him a bunch! I miss them all!

We sure hope Texas is treating you right Kevin!!  
Have a wonderful, filled with fun birthday!!
We love you!!

P.S. Texas is lucky!

Saturday, May 9, 2015


Today is Jacqi's birthday...she's celebrating it in Texas this year.

We hope you have an excellent day Jacqi!! 
We love you and miss you!

Fletcher, Jacqi, Penelope, and Kevin

Friday, May 8, 2015


May is a busy birthday month in our family.
Guess whose birthday is first?!

Happy Birthday to our Little Lulu...
AKA Louisa Marguerite.

Today she's two years old...hardly seems possible.  
But on the other hand, it's difficult to remember life before her! 
We love her so much!

Have a wonderful day sweet girl!
We hope you enjoy every minute of least as much as you enjoyed this Apple juice!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Penelope is Six

Almost didn't get this posted today!
TODAY...MARCH 25th...
someone special is having a birthday!!

Sweet Penelope is SIX YEARS OLD!
She's a sweet as the day she was born!

Some of the family met at Chevy's (her choice for a birthday dinner) and then we got together at Gramma's and Grandpa's house for presents and ice cream.

We continued the FIESTA theme that began at Chevy's!

Her gift from Aunt Mandy brought the biggest smiles!
Lego Duplo Ice Cream!  She loved it!

We love Penelope...and we hope your day was extra-special in evry way!! Yay for SIX! Yay for Penelope!!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Jo and Joe

Today we're celebrating two birthdays!
My son Joe and his wife Johanna.
Johanna's birthday was on December 23rd and Joe's was yesterday. 
Between Christmas, and Elijah's and Fletcher's birthdays,
 her birthday celebration kept getting delayed. 
But finally today is the day! 
Their dinner of choice (made by Bill) is chicken stir-fry with lots of yummy veggies,
and a big bowl of rice.  Plus donuts for dessert!
So the house will be full of family, food, and lots of fun!
Sure hope Joe and Jo have an excellent day!

Happy Birthday to Both of You!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

So Many Birthdays!!

Yep, it's birthday time at our house!!
Two of my grandsons have birthdays today!!

Elijah is SEVEN! When did that happen?  
Sure doesn't seem like six years have passed since his first birthday!!  
I think "Frosty" is wondering the same thing!

Pure happiness!!
I love this photo of him!

He was so excited to get his Peppa Pig toys from Bill and I...he also enjoyed the 
Paw Patrol figures Caleb received from my mother.

He's so tired in this photo...but what a good sport! "Okay Gramma, one more picture...."!

I've noticed, since he started losing his teeth, that he smiles a little different. 
It's like he wants to make sure we notice the (ever increasing) gap!!

Happy Birthday Elijah...I love you and hope you have a WONDERFUL day!!  
Somebody told me you like Spiderman. 
He wishes you a happy birthday too!

Then there's this little guy...he's ONE year old, today!!
Yep, Fletcher is a birthday stealer...or a birthday sharer as Elijah likes to say. His first year flew by!  He's growing up so quickly it seems.
We've got a little weight training going on here! 

Fletcher was quite fascinated by the cute guy in the mirror!
How could he help it....that's a really cute baby! 

I laid him under the tree...he stared at lights for about five minutes. 
Then he tried to pull them off the tree....

The Dollar Store spinning light was a hit too!

Every time I said "smile!" he gave me a different look. 
I love this bunch of photos!!

(Hope you get to smash a banana or two!)

What a blessing my grandchildren are...they 
make me happy every day!


Fletcher isn't the only birthday stealer sharer in the family.  Elijah's cousin Beatrice is celebrating her 1st birthday too!  He gets to SHARE his birthday with two cousins!! Such a lucky boy!