Showing posts with label elijah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label elijah. Show all posts

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Grandkids and Birthdays

We celebrated the last one for the year a week ago. his birthday party...last Saturday!
Five years old!!!

So far this year, I've pretty much ignored my blog, so there were no special 
birthday posts for each of them.  Pitiful....I know!
Next year I hope that I'm better about it.  It's a joy to look through this blog and 
experience their birthdays past once again.
 Fortunately I did share birthday photos on Instagram!
Here they are, along with a link to LAST year's blog post birthday celebrations!!  

Elijah - 8 years old on January 7th

Fletcher - 2 years old on January 7th

Penelope - 7 years old on March 25th

August - born on April 18th (this year)

Louisa aka Lulu - 3 years old on May 8th

Charlotte - 8 years old on May 14th

Caleb - 5 years old on July 25th

I am so blessed to have seven sweet grandchildren.
I thank God for them...always!

Monday, July 18, 2016

The First Three

These three spent a lot of time together...for six years.  
Some of my favorite  photos are the ones of the three of them. 
Cousins...Elijah, Charlotte, and Penelope.


You didn't have to ask them to hold hands.  They just did.
They really love playing together.


Happy, Happy, Happy!
Not really realizing that this would be there last 
threesome photo shoot for a while.  But I knew....


Hope my family notices that these photos are 2009, 2012, & 2015.  
That means a (whole) family reunion is due in 2018...for sure!

Monday, May 11, 2015

The Big "Littles"

Yesterday I shared a photo of my family...all fifteen of us!  
We took it about two weeks before Kevin and his family moved to Texas.  
This week I'll be sharing some other photos we took the same day.  
All I can say is "what a bunch we are"!!

The Big "Littles"!  I LOVE photos of these three together. 
Cousins and the best buddies.  Close in age and closer in friendship.
Elijah was born in January of 2008, Charlotte in May of 2008, 
and Penelope in March of 2009.  
I wondered when grandchildren would come, and then to have three 
within 14 months was amazing!

I'm going to make it a priority to ask them to pose together every opportunity 
we have.  And I know they're going to want to do it...look how happy they are 
to be together!!  It'll be a little difficult now...but I can hope!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Trip To Bass Pro

Last Sunday afternoon Joe's family and I took a trip to visit Santa. 
The plan was to see him at Bass Pro....but the line to see him was a two hour wait!  
Luckily Santa also had a line in the mall with a wait of about 30 minutes!  
Not sure how Santa manages all these multiple lines, but we were grateful for the shorter one!

Caleb amused himself with his mommy's phone...he loves to explore Google Earth!

Sweet Elijah loves showing off the gap in his mouth!

Caleb was not interested in sitting with Santa unless his dad joined up. Shortly before this photo, Caleb's head made contact with Santa's that moment there wasn't a whole lot of "jolly" going on!!

Elijah and Caleb tried out the various sizes of ATVs.  Elijah had to wait his turn for the big one because a little girl was riding it, so he jumped on the middle size one.  The other ones were all still in boxes...but that didn't stop Caleb!  He climbed aboard the Camo ATV, tucked in his feet...and was ready to go!  When the big one ATV became available Elijah got his turn on it...and Caleb got to try an unboxed version.  It was so funny to watch them!

The train was a hit.  I wish it hadn't been so expensive...I would have loved to buy them one!  Caleb really enjoyed it!!

Such a cute family!!
Thank you Bass Pro for all wonderful photo ops!!

Since it Throwback Thursday I thought I'd include this photo.
The same cute family...2 1/2 years ago!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Love This Photo.

It's a little grainy...I took it with my phone...but I love this photo!!

We went to a park and this bunch had a blast.  I took quite a few "action shots" but I really 
wanted them to "pose" for one.  This is the result!

Elijah had just finished crying, Penelope was crying, Caleb just wanted to escape 
(Hey Elijah, thanks for hanging on to him!), and Charlotte was looking at her shoes, 
oblivious to it all!

This shot earns the "my favorite photo of the week" award!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


This little guy has been in Myrtle Beach for the past several days. He and his family are on their way home today.  Joe and Johanna have shared lots of photos and videos while on their trip. 
I've loved seeing all the fun they've been having!
I wish I could figure out how to share this video from Johanna's Instagram....the best
It's worth clicking on... I think it's my favorite share of their trip! 
Here are links to Joe's Instagram and Johanna's Instagram.
There are a lot of really fun photos to see.
Here's a peek at one of my favorites of Elijah...and his donut holder! 
Such a clever boy! is my sister's birthday!
She got a very nice gift this year....her first
grandchild was born earlier this month!!
Happy Birthday Emily!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Photo Shoot

Last Sunday we decided to do a little photo shoot in my front yard.  When there are six "littles", who are six years old and under getting one really good shot might seem like quite a challenge.  But I guess that depends on the definition of a good shot!  I love how these photos capture the memories of the moment!!
Not one photo has everyone perfectly posed...but each one is pretty perfect!

The boys were in a much more cooperative mood than the girls were.  

Each of the three big "littles" wanted to sit with a cousin...not their brother or these shots.

Then I talked them into sibling shots.

These are my favorite group shots.  I am so very blessed to have these dear little ones nearby.  It's such a treat to spend regular time with them!!

This little guy is the reason this photo shoot happened.  His mommy and daddy wanted some photos of him to give to some therapists he won't be working with any longer.  I think he knew that some of the photos taken would be given to special people.  He cooperated the best of all!
LOVE this photo of him!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Let the Swimming Begin.

The pool is open, and these three are loving it!  Elijah, Charlotte,  and Penelope are old pros at this pool stuff. I think at least two of them will be swimming without a vest in no time this summer!


Lulu isn't sure what she thinks of the giant (kinda chilly) bathtub...but she did enjoy hanging out in her floating baby seat.  Caleb decided he preferred solid ground beneath his feet.  He loved the pool last year, and hopefully he'll decide to give it a try again this year.

Fletcher likes hanging out inside...but he is wondering when he'll get a chance in the pool.
What a cute little guy!

I'm so glad we have a pool....'cause it means these six will visit me a lot this summer!!