Showing posts with label bargains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bargains. Show all posts

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Don't Judge A "Box" By It's Cover

I love a trip to the thrift store...and I really love it when I find an unexpected surprise!  
Like this Electricity Kit for $2.99.  I'm not sure why I grabbed it off the shelf...maybe because it looked old and interesting!! 

It looked even more interesting when I saw the top of the box.  I saw the word "ornaments"!!  
Woo Hoo!  Vintage ornaments??? Maybe!
I peeked in the box and saw some shiny metallic and some poinsettia printed paper.  
Then I closed it back up and put in my cart.  Yep...I pretty much bought it sight unseen.

When I got home and opened it...well, let's just say it was worth it!
Have a look at all my wonderful treasures.


Pretty ornaments and this really lovely piece of Christmas gift wrap.  I love vintage Christmas things. They're hard to find, so it's really special when I do.  I'll use some of them in my Christmas decorating...but most will be used in my Christmas creating.  
Maybe I'll make something like THIS or THIS.   

Remember...never judge a "box" by it's cover...there might be vintage treasure inside!

Monday, July 27, 2015


I'm not sure where I'll be selling my creations this year...hopefully a craft show or two...maybe even an Etsy shop!  But wherever I end up trying to sell, I want to have a huge selection of things to choose from. So I am determined that I will be making things at least a couple times a week.  
I'm planning to be very busy!
These are some scraps from some old feed sacks.  
I used them to "wrap" the wooden embroidery hoops for my new project.

These are some old pillowcases and table linens.  They're all a bit discolored and they have holes on them here and there.  Perfect for cutting up and popping into some hoops.

But first I wrapped the hoops with strips of fabric torn from the old feed sacks 
(and other fabric scraps).  I just love the look!!

The colors of the feed sack look so good with this bird stitchery.  It's one of my favorites.  One of my daughters-in-law likes the owls trimmed with red and white checks.  I think I'll be adding that to my gift cupboard!

I got eleven of them done...and I have 4-6 more to go. These are FUN to make!  Including picking out scrapbook paper and wrapping paper for the back side of each one. 
Making stuff with other stuff is one of my very favorite things to do!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Thrift Store Treasures

$24.00 well spent!!

Thursdays are 25% off at my favorite thrift store. I don't often go on Thursdays because by the time I get there it's all pretty picked over.  But last Thursday I hit the jack-pot!
Look at all these goodies I got!!

The best deal of the night goes to this Catherine Holm fondue set. It's in excellent condition!  
These pieces sell for ridiculous prices on Etsy and Ebay.

I see these tackle boxes and just can't resist..when they're a good price!  $1.50 (after the 25% discount) WAS a good price. I'll be storing my glue gun and glue sticks in here.

I'm going to re-purpose this musical jewelry box for Charlotte. 
She just got her ears pierced and she'll need somewhere to store all her earrings someday.

Bright and cheery serving trays...too cute to pass up. Especially when they were 25% off!

Children's books are always one of my favorite things to look at. 
On Thursday all pictures books are only 75 cents!  These two are like new!

This Snap Circuit kit was going to be for Elijah, but he already has this particular does Penelope.  It's like brand new and it was only $2.00!

This Christmas plate is for's going to look wonderful in my dining room hutch come December.  The pattern is Merry Christmas by Johnson was $3.00!

Aren't these vintage platters awesome! I love the crazing and stains on just adds to the beauty of the piece!  
The three platters together cost $11.00...they range in size from 10 inches to 15 inches.


I keep telling Bill that all this is an investment...some day 
I'll make money off these things!
These pieces will eventually be listed on Etsy. 
Once Upon A Time I WILL open an Etsy shop!

It's such fun to find things for "the littles"!  This time Elijah will get the books, 
and the circuit board kit will go to Charlotte in a year or so.

Cathe Holden created some amazing stenciled platters.
I'd love to give that a try!  
If these turn out they might end up in that (someday) Etsy shop!  
Or at least at a "craft show"!
You can see Cathe's here, here, and here.

Only two more days until Thursday!!!