Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Don't Judge A "Box" By It's Cover

I love a trip to the thrift store...and I really love it when I find an unexpected surprise!  
Like this Electricity Kit for $2.99.  I'm not sure why I grabbed it off the shelf...maybe because it looked old and interesting!! 

It looked even more interesting when I saw the top of the box.  I saw the word "ornaments"!!  
Woo Hoo!  Vintage ornaments??? Maybe!
I peeked in the box and saw some shiny metallic and some poinsettia printed paper.  
Then I closed it back up and put in my cart.  Yep...I pretty much bought it sight unseen.

When I got home and opened it...well, let's just say it was worth it!
Have a look at all my wonderful treasures.


Pretty ornaments and this really lovely piece of Christmas gift wrap.  I love vintage Christmas things. They're hard to find, so it's really special when I do.  I'll use some of them in my Christmas decorating...but most will be used in my Christmas creating.  
Maybe I'll make something like THIS or THIS.   

Remember...never judge a "box" by it's cover...there might be vintage treasure inside!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Are You Prepared?

I started a new reading plan on the Bible App on my phone.
It's called "Christmas Encouragement" by Greg Laurie.
The description caught my attention right away!

"Don't let the busyness and pressure of this holiday season rob you of the joy and true celebration of our Savior Jesus this December."

I've already thought about making sure that I don't get caught up in the hustle and bustle that often comes in December. 75% of my shopping is done, and the decorating will be completed by the end of the day on Wednesday.  I have a few things I still want to make, but otherwise I'm feeling pretty prepared! That's part of the reason I started this reading plan....I have time!

The daily readings began today and go on for 25 days.
Today's "summary sentence" was definitely convicting!

"We may be ready for Christmas, 
but are we ready for the return of Christ?"

Oops...I'm not quite as prepared as I thought!
I can't wait to read tomorrow's message!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

It's That Time of Year

Yes, "mess" is the word of the month!
It's taking over my craft space.
I'm busy, busy, busy making things to sell, and things to give as gifts.  Hopefully all the mess will turn into great stuff before too long.  Sure wish I didn't need to sleep.......

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Berry Red!

While we were in England, we visited Warwick Castle...and guess what! 
It didn't rain!! 
It was dreary and cold though...but still fun!!
But, I'm not sharing photos of any of the fun today...I'm sharing berries!!  When we were walking in the gardens I spotted these berry bushes. Red is my favorite color and on a dreary day these red berries just popped!  I had to get some photos of them.
I think they're festive....maybe I'll use the photos to make something for Christmas.  
Any ideas!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Santa and a Snowman

The Santa is made from a kit I bought several years ago....the snowman belonged to Bill's mother. 
"Vintage looking" or "really vintage" all looks cute to me!!! 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Quick Craft

I picked this up after Christmas last year...maybe from Target, I really can't remember.  It's been hanging on a knob every since I brought it home.  I need to keep the inspiration in plain sight!
These would be so simple to create...a small (maybe 5 inches) circle of wire, some sparkly garland, and a bit of ribbon for a pretty bow.  Put it all together and you have the perfect spot to nestle a tiny house ornament....cute gift idea, don't you think!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The House Is Done....

Remember this blog post?
Well look what shipped today!!!
I am so excited!
Now I just need to keep it a surprise until Christmas.
(which, by the way, is 100 days from now!)

I'll share it with you again, once it's in a frame!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Bill's Christmas Gift...The Hawthorne House

Bill doesn't read my blog, so I think it's safe to share my plans for his Christmas gift.  Is it only me...or are gifts for men really hard to buy?  Bill is especially hard to buy for...he doesn't really want a lot of stuff (he thinks I collect enough stuff for the both of us!), and he really doesn't have any hobbies.  He loves to read...but I don't love to only buy books for him!

Wouldn't you know it....that it would be "the land of blog" that came to the rescue! For several years I have followed a blog called With Pencil and's written by an artist...Katherine Thomas.  I love her amazes me. The things she can do with colored pencils absolutely amaze me! Her pen and ink drawings are stunning. I just really love all her work!!

A couple years ago Katherine started selling pen and ink drawings, on old envelopes, in her Etsy shop called PostMarkArt.  Last year, on a trip to Michigan, I took a photo of one of Bill's boyhood homes..."The Hawthorne House".  Shortly afterwards I was reading Katherine's blog and it occurred to me that she might be able to use my (not very good phone photo) to create a PostMarkArt piece for Bill. I sent her the photo and she said it would work as a reference photo! She said she could start it this Fall...perfect timing for a Christmas gift!!

Earlier this year we made another trip to Michigan and I was able to get a couple more photos of the "Hawthorne House".  Not an easy feat since no one we visit lives anywhere near this place. Luckily Bill was in a reminiscing mood and didn't mind taking a drive. Mandy was traveling with us and she had never seen the house, so there was my excuse to visit it again. 

Just this past week, Katherine sent me some photos of envelopes she had available...they were all very nice, but I kind of had my heart set on something more personal. I dug around in some of that "stuff" I tend to save and found Bill's old stamp collection. I found a "first day cover" that I'm hoping Katherine will be able to use for the drawing of the "Hawthorne House".

I like that Bill's name is on this envelope. It's addressed to his second childhood home. This photo is of "The Hawthorne House"  was his first childhood home.  I think everything will tie together nicely!  I also think he'll really like this gift!

Here's a look at some of the PostMArkArt Katherine has done...I made a collage of four of her custom home portraits...I know "The Hawthorne House" will be equally wonderful! 
I've got my eye on the American Flag on the School Desk piece!

Katherine Thomas...links to her work and information about commissioning it. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Ho Ho Ho!

Only 160 Days Until Christmas!!

Just sayin'.......

Monday, April 7, 2014



I find some great supplies during the after Christmas sales.
These musical birds were bought after Christmas 2012....and they were bought
with crafting in mind.

I picked these birds up at Target,when they were 90% off. 
They cost a whopping 20 cents each! The shredded paper is from a food gift basket we it was free.  I found a bag full of these tart tins at the thrift store.
There were sixteen in the bag and it cost $1.21....that's less than 8 cents a tin.

So, each of these little birds sitting on a nest cost less than 30 cents. 
Now that's something to "tweet" about!!

Monday, December 30, 2013

My New Car

Okay, so the car is a little small...but I couldn't resist sharing it.  A last minute 'before Christmas' purchase, thanks to a tip from Joyce.  I found this very cute 1955 Chevy Nomad at CVS.  Not only is it very's also a 1955!!  So am I!

I sure hope you can handle some more Christmas, 'cause I still have some more I want to share!!  There's still a Christmas get together with friends coming up next week!  So bear with me.  It's going to Christmas on my blog for another week or so!!
Happy Monday!!

Monday, December 16, 2013

It's Beginning To Look A lot Like Christmas!

  This is the first holiday season in 35 years that Bill hasn't worked in retail...most of those years were in management.  Working in retail (especially mgmt.) meant working on weekends, evenings, all hours, on call, you name it!  Bill is really enjoying being away from all that.  But he has been busy with all kinds of other home!  He decorated the outside of the house last week...he said he might even get a spotlight up!!

Spotlight or not...I kind of like the house just as it is!! 
Wait until you see what else Bill's been up to!! 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Office Party

I have been blessed to work for a very kind and godly man for the past (almost) ten years. 
Besides being my boss, Geoff is also an elder at my church, and a very dear friend.  One of the perks of working for him has been visiting his home for lunches and dinners.  Wednesday evening we had our annual office get together....and lucky us, the get together was, once again, held at his home.   One of the very best parts about visiting his home is visiting her home!  This is his wife Peggy.  She is one of the kindest, sweetest, most gracious women I know...and she definitely knows how to make a house a home!

I can't believe that I forgot to take a photo of the front of their beautiful home. It's nestled in a wooded area, and looks like a house that should be on a Christmas card...just look how welcoming this front porch is!

Speaking of porches, this is the screened in porch. It's not heated, but I think it's warm and cozy!  The fresh snow on the ground just added to the view!!

Forgive the lighting in some of the photos...but really, this space looks wonderful no matter
how the lighting is!
Greg, Peggy's son, has been making some awesome wood crafts this year (I have a few of them in my home).  One of his newest creations is this really fun snowman!!  Peggy dressed him up with beads from an old necklace, and a hat made out of a glove.  He also created the little wooden tree.  My daughter Mandy made the "Be Merry" sign...Peggy bought it at my recent craft show.

A pretty table setting.....LOVED the beautiful runner!

Loved this piece of pumpkin pie too!

Greg made little trees for each of the guests this year...this is the one I got to take home. 
So sweet!

Peggy displays her Christmas carolers each year.  Did you catch a tiny glimpse of them in the photo of the front porch?

Candle light and cookies...the plate of cookies was a gift to Geoff from Mandy.
She cleans our office each week.

 This was my view during the gift exchange portion of our evening.  The tray was my gift to Peggy last Christmas, and the little silver cup was her cup when she was a child.

Now how did he get in here!!  Oh, that's right....technically it's HIS party!  Geoff and I have a love/hate relationship when it comes to squirrels.  Guess who hates them?  Joan gave him a gift certificate for Bass Pro, along with this example of wall art that he might be interested in purchasing.  So sad......

Peggy is one of my favorite people to buy gifts for...if I like it, chances are very
good that she'll like it too!  

I love this vignette...that tree is another one of Greg's creations.

This year, Peggy added the Shepherd with Bagpipes to her Willow Tree nativity.  She told us a story about a 'crippled shepherd" ~ but perhaps that's for another blog post!

Isn't this a cozy corner?!  See that sketch hanging on the wall?  That's a drawing of their was done by a family friend.
So I guess you do get a peek at their home nestled in the woods after all. 

Everything about their home is warm and's one of my most favorite places to visit.  Of course it helps that two of my most favorite people live in it!!

Here we are...Joan, Geoff, Regina, and me.  And we're still smiling after all these years!  Joan and Regina go to my church as well.  Not only do we all work together, we also share a love for Jesus Christ. We get together to celebrate another year of business, and friendship, but most of all we get together to celebrate the birth of our Savior and King.  That's why we're smiling....because we know just how blessed we are!!

Speaking of's a peek at some of the gifts I received.  Geoff gave each of us a Visa gift card too...woo here I come!!  The gifts are very special, but it's the people that made the evening pretty perfect!!

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6