Showing posts with label tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tutorial. Show all posts

Friday, May 18, 2012

Tutorial: How to make an ideal back for your cross stitch

For some project the ideal back is very important. Recently I've made a custom order with handkerchiefs. Of course, the back side must be perfect, you can't hide one side of handkerchief and don't show it anyone.
So here the tutorial how I made it.
You'll need very thin needle. I used needle for beading for smallest beads. If you find it hard to stitch with this needle for the start you can use the regular one. I stabbed my fingers with it, it is not the funniest thing.
Start you embroidery leaving the end of the thread on the front side in the upper left corner of cross stitch:
Hide it beneath your next stitches:

Stitch all pattern or before you have 10 cm thread. If you use regular needle it is time to cut the thread near eye of needle and take the thin one.
Very carefully thread the needle under few stitches:
Extend the needle and all thread:
And cut the thread carefully near the stitch:
Now your front and back sides looked perfect:

And here is finished design:

Good luck with crafting!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Valentine decor

10 days left to Valentine's Day. Usually we don't celebrate it. But this year I think "Why not?" Well, I'm not about big celebration, just make some decor and plan to make Valentine's breakfast.
I made this cute heart garland with colored origami paper cuted on stripes.
 Here is tutorial. In Chinese, but you will understand, there are a lot of pictures.
And here is very cute idea for Valentine's breakfast! Must make it!
Idea by Irina from
Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Tutorial - Gift origami box

On pictures below you can see how to make cute origami gift box. To make it you will need 2 square pieces of paper 12 x 12 cm (near 4'), scissors, ruler, pencil and double-sided adhesive tape.