Showing posts with label cross stitching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cross stitching. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

iPhone case in pink

I'm made another iPhone case, this time with silk hand painted threads.

Only 1 case is in stock, I don't know if there will be more pink ones.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Ethnic embroidered cuff bracelet

This ethnic cuff bracelet is totally new item at Skrynka's. It is made with metal base and adjustable to almost any hand. Embroidery as usual is made on linen fabric.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Nautical bracelet

I'm so in love with nautical theme! Can't stop myself making this bracelet with cross stitch initial, anchor and lifebuoy.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Deer necklace

This deer necklace was made in December, but I feel like it's still new. It was first in my shop with vintage looking settings and I was so happy with result so I'm still continuing this line.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tangerine tango earrings and necklace

I love to make custom orders and these are results of one of them.

You can buy them at Skrynka.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Be Patriot!

I've missed 4th of July cause I was at hospital with my little son. Don't want to borrow you with circumstances. He is very good now!
I always thought about myself as I'm the patriot. You can see it in my ethnic Ukrainian designs. But this Spring I've made patriotic collection with flags. I've made few countries, but like that can be made almost every flag.
All flags available as necklace, ring, bracelet and pin at Skrynka.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012

Tutorial: How to make an ideal back for your cross stitch

For some project the ideal back is very important. Recently I've made a custom order with handkerchiefs. Of course, the back side must be perfect, you can't hide one side of handkerchief and don't show it anyone.
So here the tutorial how I made it.
You'll need very thin needle. I used needle for beading for smallest beads. If you find it hard to stitch with this needle for the start you can use the regular one. I stabbed my fingers with it, it is not the funniest thing.
Start you embroidery leaving the end of the thread on the front side in the upper left corner of cross stitch:
Hide it beneath your next stitches:

Stitch all pattern or before you have 10 cm thread. If you use regular needle it is time to cut the thread near eye of needle and take the thin one.
Very carefully thread the needle under few stitches:
Extend the needle and all thread:
And cut the thread carefully near the stitch:
Now your front and back sides looked perfect:

And here is finished design:

Good luck with crafting!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Here, in Ukraine we only begin to celebrate this day. And my husband still refuse to do it :(
Well, MEN..
I wish you a lot of LOVE! Let it be all around you!
And late perfomance of my Valentine's collection:

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Winter at last!

We have snow at last! Well, I never knew such winter. First snow in the middle of January!
And this weather inspired me to show you one of my earrings. They aren't new, and they were made to match one of my necklaces. But they reminds me the snowflakes since they were made.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Journey on hot air balloons

I always want to travel. As a child I wanted to be a journalist not to speak truth but to travel the world :)
For now I've been abroad only once, in Moldova. But I still believe that my dreams will come true!
Also I'm exiting of hot air balloon since childhood. One of my favorite child's films is In Search of Captain Grant (V poiskah Kapitana Granta) and there was a story about first met of Jules Verne and his future wife Onorine. Jules was traveling on hot air balloon and their balloon failed. Onorine and her father have helped him.

I saw real balloon closely only once on music festival Slavske rock in 2008. It was very rainy and drops of rain became warm near balloon.

This summer I've remembered my love to balloons and made necklace with embroidered hot air balloon. I hope you'll like it :)

I wish all your dream became true!


Saturday, July 23, 2011


Recently my favorite purse has broken. After unlucky searching for what I want I decided to sew it by myself.
I found this tutorial in Russian and changed it some.
First of all I made embroidery for the front of purse. How could it be another way? It is a color moderation of embroidery I already have in my shop. Yellow plus orange and amber. I love how it looks!
The purse has two pockets for plastic cards, big pocket for the banknotes and pocket for the change.
Change pocket is what I want most of all. And it was my moderation of the tutorial. It was my first time working with purse frames. And it will be my lesson for the future!
However, embroidery is cute, isn't it? I will make same color combination for sale!


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Cute anchors - for sailor lovers

I have two friends who are sailors. One went to the sea eight month ago, he is a professional mechanic on huge ship. We miss him very much.
But this story about another friend of our family. He is natural born sailor. Recently he made over 120 km on the small sailing catamaran. Once 9 years ago we went sailing with him and his students while he worked at Sailing school for children and teenagers. Near the wall of this school stand huge anchor. It was so huge as two-storied house. It is amazing filling to stand near and to touch such great metal construction! I couldn't imagine how huge the ship must be!
Thinking of my friends I made cute summer earrings with anchors. They are wonderful summer accessories. I'll wear them all my vacation on the seaside. And I'll be thinking about my dear friends all the time ;)
And here is pendant perfectly match them.
Have a wonderful summer!


Friday, June 3, 2011

New! New colors and new design!

I like symmetry and round designs. Somewhere inside I'm logical and mathematical person.  But this necklace was making about a month. I create pattern for it but didn't have inspiration to stitch it, couldn't choose colors. But finally at some moment I decide to make it blue and red. And I like the result of my work. Do you?

And thinking of this I have another question for you. Which color or combination of colors do you prefer in jewelry for every day?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Red collection

Red is my favorite color. When I start to stitch some pieces in red color I just can't stop. And I made collection of red jewelry.
This necklaces are inspired by the traditional Ukrainian geometrical ornaments. It belongs more to West region but red are using all over Ukraine.
If you like one of this necklaces you can enter my Etsy shop and buy it. Note that I offer free worldwide shipping :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring inspire!

There is warm spring weather for a few days. Synoptics says that cold will come again but now Spring actually is))
I spend more time on fresh air, it is so important for my little son. And together we watch the Nature, the beginning of new life around. Some cute small flowers are make their way through cold ground. And this strong but lovely flower inspired me to make new items.
May I introduce embroidered jewelry!
I hope it find it's fans :) There will be more soon!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Valentine's theme

Not so far Valentine's day wait for us. It's time to begin preparing)))