Showing posts with label Vinnere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vinnere. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Vi har noen vinnere å dele med dere! Både for januar og februar! I januar hadde vi fantastiske Finnabair som vår selected scrapper og vi hadde hele 49 deltakere! Da må vi selvfølgelig ha noen vinnere for januar.

We have som great winners for you both from January and February! In January we had the fabulous Finnabair joining us and we had 49 people joing in! That's fantastic. We have found a winner for January and some runner ups! :) 

Vinneren av Januar skissen er Regiane Thahira med denne nyyyydelig layouten!! Digger at den går ton i ton og alle de flotte detaljene! Regiane, send oss din adresse slik at vi kan sende deg Finnabair's premie. :) 

The winner of our January sketch is Regiane Thahira with this utterly gorgeous layout! :) Love the colors and the great details. Regiane, please send us your adress and we'll send you the prize! :)

Ta en titt på denne utrolig vakre layouten av Lisa Griffith! Nydelige detaljer og vintage feel! Bare herlig! :) 

Look at this beautiful page by Lisa Griffith! Stunning details and vintage feel! 

Må også vise frem denne herligste, fyrverkeri av en layout fra Ebony van der Starr, man blir så glad bare av å se på den! Love it! :)

Also have to show you this firecracker of a layout by Ebony van der Starr.. You get happy just by looking at it!! Loove :)

Og så var det vinnerene fra februar. Igjen, så utrolig mange fantastiske bidrag! 54 stykker å velge mellom, og det var ikke enkelt. Tusen takk for at dere deler så mye inspirasjon alle sammen. Og så vil vi også takke Riika for at hun var gjest hos oss i februar. 

And then we have the winners of february. Again SO many fabelous entries! 54 to choose from, and I can say it's not easy. Thank you so much for sharing so much inspiration everybody.
And also thank you so much to Riika for being our february guest.

Første plass og vinneren av premien fra Studio Tekturek, er Anita Nosov. Denne layouten er rett og slett ubeskrivelig vakker! Den er magisk og søt og fargene er helt nydelige sammen. Anita, send oss adressen din så kommer det premie i posten:-)

First up, and the winner of our prize from Studio Tekturek, is Anita Nosov. This layout is just beyond beautiful! It's so magical and sweet and the colors are so pretty together. Gorgeous! Anita, please send us a mail to claim your prize:-)

Andre plass går til Szydelkiem med denne kule, blå sida. Vi digger bakgrunnen og de alle små detaljene som er gjemt bak bildet.  

Then we have Szydelkiem with this cool and blue page. Love the background and all the little bits and pieces that are tucked behind the photo.

Sist men ikke minst har vi Di Garling. Denne sida er så vakker med alle blomstene. Fargene passer perfekt til bildet og vi elsker bakgrunnen din:-)

Last but not least we have Di Garling. This page is so pretty with all the flowers. The colors are perfect for the photo and we love your background:-)

Tusen takk alle sammen! Håper vi ser flest mulig igjen neste måned også:-)

Thank you all so much. Hope to see lots of you again:-)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Winner of November sketch

Først vil vi gjerne få takke Kazia for jobben som gjestedesigner hos oss i november. Og hun spanderer premie på den av våre vinnere som hun har fått valgt ut. Her er premien.

First of all I would love to thank Kazia for the jobb as Selected Scrapper for November. She is giving away this Amazing Rak to one winner, that she has choosen. This is the RAK

Og her er vinneren av RAK : 
The winner of the RAK is :

Lekker bakgrunn laget med egen stensil. Sarte farger og herlig motiv.
Beautiful background where she used her own stencil. Beautiful colors and image.

Neste layout har et fantastisk flott bildet og farger som arbeider sammen med bildet.
This layout is just to cute with the most amazing photo and colors working together.

Og til slutt har vi en fantastisk flott og søt layout med mange flotte detaljer.
Sweet and beautiful layout with a fantastic work on the details.

Johanna, please send us your address to get your prize.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Top3 from sketch #226

It`s Tuesday again, and time for the top3 from last week`s sketch.
What an inpiring journey it is, to go through all these great layouts.
I love it! This time I have chosen 3 colorful pages.

The first one out, and the winner of the RAK is:
I love this great background of gesso and mist. It`s beautiful.
Funny pictures and so beautiful with the flower cluster.
A great take on the sketch!

The next one is this amazing page from Ebony.
Take a look at how she has used the same colors
on the background as in these great pictures!
Love the black outlining. A super layout!

Last but not least is this lovely page from Leila.
Gorgeous colors! And I love how she has used those seashells
to highlight the beach photos. Beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration!

Congratulation to all of you!!!!

Мария, please send us your adress, and you will get this RAK sent to you.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Top 3 - sketch # 225

Hi everyone! Time for our top 3 for this week! Thank you guys for playing along and sharing so much inspiration!
As always it's a very difficult task choosing the winners. So, here it goes - the top 3 of sketch # 225.

Our winner this week is Caroline with this super cool layout! It's not that often we see black backgrounds so your layout really stands out. You managed to keep your page simple, and allowing that great photo to just pop of the page! Love the the title aswell:-) Congratulation!

Please send your adress on the mail and the RAK will come your way:-)

Next up is Smile_Art with this gorgeous page! The background work here is so beautifully done paired with the calm, cool colors. Ooozes beach and sand and wind!

Last but not least we have Anna. This is a really sweet and beautiful page! I love the background you created with the letters and the green is gorgeous with that adorable photo!!

Hope to see you all again:-)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Top 3 Sketch # 224

Sorry for being a bit late...
But here they are! 
The Top 3 from sketch # 224...
It wasn´t an easy job as there where so many great takes on this sketch! 

Ok... Are you ready?

The winner is 
Your layout is just amazing.
I so love the colors and the layout all over! 

And the runner ups are...
The background with all the paintwork is just wonderful.
The theme is just so nice.

Then it´s Gunn-Elin
The background on this layout is just WOW!
Amazing work! 

Big congrats to you all!

Emanuela please send us your address so we can send you the RAK.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Top 3 sketch#222

Hello everyone! Time for our top 3 for this week! 
Thanks to the girls playing along with with the sketch! Here goes!

First out and winner of the RAK is Emanuella, look at all the fantastic stitching, so artsy and creative. I also like the use of colors and embellishment. 
Please send us you mail adresse so we can send you the RAK

Second one out is Pauline  with this stylish and romantic layout. 
Beautiful colors matching the picture and love the assembly behind the image.

Last but not least we have Erinaki , fantastic use of many different papers and colors and I love the thread at the bottom of the page. Cool journaling with the banner.
Hope you will find time to play with us this week.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Top 3 - sketch # 221

Wow, I'm always amazed of all the great work out there! Thank you so much for all the inspiration!

To choose top 3 is always very difficult. I tend to end up with a looong list of scrappers I want for my top 3, so narrowing it down isn't easy. 

But my first choice has to be this fun, gorgeous page from Puccarina! It's the perfect way of saying goodbye to the summer:-)
Look at that gorgeous background and how well the colors go together! The row of pearls is perfect and the fishes so adorable. Everything makes the perfect backdrop for the photo.

Please Puccarina, send us your adress and you'll get a prize soon:-)

Next up is Evdokia with this beautiful page. The background is amazing and I love your choice of colors!

 Last but not least we have Emanuela with this fun page! Love your photo and how you managed to keep it simple and still have so much going on:-)

Hope to see you all again playing along real soon:-)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Winners of the summersketch!

Wow! It is so great to come home from vacation and see that you guys was scrapping this summer:-)
So many gorgeous entries and as always SO hard to choose. But we found our 6 favorites and this time you're all getting the no. 1 spot:-)

First the sketch made by Nabon:

And here they are - the winners in a random order:

Doudinette: We love your clean and simple style, you made a perfect backdrop for that cute picture:-)

Riika: Your background work on this is totally amazing! Love the colors!

Anya: This is just the perfect summer LO! So bright and warm:-)

And for the 3 RAKs from Papirdesign:

Lenochek: This layout is so different and cool! Looks like you put flower dust on it:-) Love this document of summer flowers.

Veera: Your soft color palette is gorgeous and matches the beautiful photo perfect. It's a stunning layout!

 Sachiko: A gorgeous page! Love all the different butterflies and the splats on your background. 

Please send us your adresses everybody, and we'll send along the RAKs for you.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Winner Sketch #217

Hello you all!
I guess that you have been waiting for the winner, and I´m sorry that I´m a bit late.
First of all I just wanna thank you all for playing along with us here at Skissedilla.
You give so much inspiration and we so love your work!

And now... 
The winner of the RAK this week is
This layout is just amazing with all the wonderful bright colours, the background and the sweet photo.
Then it´s 
This layout just pops with it´s happy colours and amazing background work.
And then last, but not least we have
This layout is so peaceful with it´s soft and beautiful colours.
Big congratulations to the winners this week!
Melenia, can you please send us your address so that you can get this RAK in the mail. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Top 3 from sketch #211

We are now ready to show you the top 3 from sketch #211.
It`s so much fun to go through all your lovely contributions.
Thank you very much for your participation !

The first one out this week, and the winner of the RAK, 
is this colorful layout from Tatiana.
I just love how she has used so many different embellishments,
and still managed to get the focus on the picture.
A great page!

The next one is this sweet layout from Tanita.
I love how she has used these soft colors, and just added a little
brighter pink on the word-strips. Beautiful !

Last but not least, we have this gorgeous page from Audrey.
A layout that really tells a story. Love how she has used the twine to
bring the feeling of worms to the page :) Lovely layout, and lovely pictures!

Congratulation all !!!

Tatiana, please send us your adress, and you will get this RAK sent to you :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Winners Sketch#210

Another week with lots of beautiful, creative and inspirational pages. As usual a hard decision to make, when it comes to choose only three to be featured here. This is my choice.

Number one and winner of my RAK is Roxanne
WOW I said when I saw this colorful page. I just love the background she made and that it all mix so well together with the pictures. A great inspiration and a piece of art I think. Look how well the title blend in with the background.

Number two is from a young girl Tanita .
I really like the simple but still romantic style she has created on this page. Sometimes pictures tells it all. And what about those small doodle hearts. What is there not to love about them.

Number three is Monika with this stylish C&S layout. I so love that the colors blend with the picture and the red makes the layout pop. Love the photo.

Roxanne, please send us your post address and you will get this RAK in the post. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Winner sketch # 206!

Time to reveal the top 3 from sketch # 206, and as always this wasn't an easy decision. Thank you all for the great contributions!

The winner this week is Mona with this really beautiful layout! I love her background work and how the colors flow perfectly together. The colors are so perfect for her great photos!
Mona; write us a mail with your adress and the RAK will come your way:-)

Next up is Asil. Her monocromatic layout are so cool! Love that photostrip!

Last but not least is Audrey
Her layout is so fun and colorful, perfect to go along with her photos:-)

Wish you all a great week and hope you'll play along this week to:-)