Excursion to Acadia with an art friend.
I got to add another panel to my Moleskine accordion book.
The 1st panel created in June, 2016
The one before yesterday's: Last May.
From the path down to the (large) Pond,
from the Jordan Pond House,
where lunches, popovers & views are divine.
The left shore. Some years ago I hiked the trail
around the entire lake.
The shore nearby, the carmines & corals
are waving, Look at us!
Rather than hike we walked gently along carriage paths.
Design, color, dancing lights & shadows,
translucence, luminescence,
sparkling, shimmering, glittering leaves!
In the woods a stream that flows into into Jordan Pond...
...My friend, who takes gorgeous photos,
captured my physical surroundings: a dark shady pocket
in the midst of sunny, brilliant color.
What she didn't know is that she had also captured a mood.
I was remembering happy times spent with a childhood friend
with whom I used to play in our woods by the creek.
I was grieving, because
I learned of my childhood friend's death last week.
Eagle Lake, how different
from our explorations around Jordan Pond.
Places, flora, time of day, weather, mountains, bodies of water,
changing light, so many varied images...
I said to my friend,
"Sometimes the beauty seems unbearable in its immensity."
A National Park like this, open to the public,
is one of America's treasures.
It's an enchanting glimpse of Mother Earth
for us town & city folks.
On the way home, a Maine Blueberry field, at sunset...
That was yesterday...
Autumn is passing through Coastal Maine.