Showing posts with label Dance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dance. Show all posts

Friday, February 8, 2019

Exploring Rather Than Wandering

Sketchbook Wandering. 
I've done it here for almost 7 years!!!!!

Sketching & writing still bring me joy & comfort, 
as when I took a pause from last Saturday's winter festivities
at a café on Main St. I sat by a wall.
My sketchbook transformed the scene to interesting theater.

There are people who appreciate my sketches, 
& some have learned from my process.

Change might be starting...
Expression, discovery, exploration, reflection, 
& who knows what else! 

I've been experimenting with making marks 
with a brush & "high flow" acrylic paints.
(Thanks, for introducing me, Beth. Go to Sew Sew Art.)

My marks turned to shapes & my shapes 
arranged themselves.

Aaaah, order...but maybe not too much...
More will be revealed...

Monday, January 7, 2019

Mini Zumba Greetings

I failed to send Christmas cards this year. 
But I have promised myself that I will send winter cards.
I did make up some mini-cards to give to a few local folks,
some of them being fellow Zumba enthusiasts.

 And a card for my Zumba teacher. 
I have enormous gratitude for her. 
This dance & her exercise classes have enriched
my life & my health tremendously!!!