I hadn't gone sketching with the group in awhile.
We visited a member's country/woods garden.
The first image was a warm up, a rather chaotic response to
a beautiful tangle of ferns and foresty plants
and an array of vivid colors in late afternoon sun.
Then, a more tame vignette, which is actually
a sketch from a sketch using my photo as reference,
once back home.
The observer's eye, brain, & hand,
like the body, gets out of shape without practice
and I felt it.
Motto for the day:
Make sketching more of a priority because
I love the whole experience!
(To "Unknown" who asked permission to download
some of my paintings for her studies:
I appreciate that you asked.
I would ask that you not to do it.
I feel vulnerable about my sketches being
on someone else's computer, & used,
without me explaining my process & teaching.
Also, since I do sell paintings, it's awkward to
have them be used, even though I know that's a risk
of posting them on the Internet.
And, I always encourage students to not get
too tied in to some one else's work, but to experiment,
study techniques, watch demonstrations,
& let your own voice, experience, practice
& responses develop.)