Showing posts with label Swap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swap. Show all posts

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Swap From Rainbows and Blues and more!

Here is the swap from Anček and Kvacka from Rainbows and Blues in Slovenia!

Essence (Show Your Feet) 10 In the Jungle, 53 All Access, 39 Spicy.

Essence (Moonlight Collection) 02 Into The Night, Nail Art Twins in Thelma and Louise!

Magnetic Shimmering Bronze, Spect Stone, and Stripe It in holographic silver glitter. 
My first striper ever!

Catrice - London's Weather Forecast, and I Sea You! S-he in 466, and 500.  Miss Sporty - 60.

Kvacka designs fimo jewellery and she made me a beautiful bracelet!
(wearing China Glaze - Swing Baby)

Check out the cool designs in the beads, not my arm hair.

They put together such a wonderful package for me, I hope they get the one I sent them soon!  :D

I won OPI - Mad as a Hatter from Spa Boutique's Facebook page!  It's pretty awesome because MaaH was sold out and I wasn't able to buy it with Absolutely Alice.  They included some face cream samples. :)

Random picture of the silk wrap kit I bought.  It was the only one I could find and I couldn't find any silk wraps sold separately.  : /

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Where in the World is Paper Chasing?

Well, it's in Vancouver B.C. Canada right now!

With Flash

Without Flash

The Sacred Scroll!

The scroll is included with this bottle of Paper Chasing to record the recipients blog name/alas, date, and location.  The idea behind this swap started with NAILSTAH.  This bottle sits in your swap pile and is shipped off with your next shipment, or whoever would like to be apart of this bottle's epic adventure!  You swatch it (or full mani) take photos to record it, fill out your information on the scroll and pass it along.

Along with Paper Chasing, Annie swapped a few polishes with me.
Jessica - Grecian Touch

 China Glaze - Medallion

Sinful Colors - Show Me The Way

And a Choco Pie!!  Om nom nom nom!!  I ate it within a minute of taking this picture.  I couldn't hold out any longer!

SO!  I want to know who would be interested in taking on this bottle of Paper Chasing and being apart of it's journey.  The recipient must be willing to eventually pass the bottle along.  I can't stop you from keeping it but I think it would defeat the purpose of the game.  The first person to email me with a genuine request will be person #3 on the scroll.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Looking for SWAP!


I was holding back doing a post like this but... here I go.
I'm looking to swap with someone who has access to Collistar - Viola Glitter.
I just saw it on Laquerized's blog and I just about died.
I still need Nfu-Oh flakies too.

If anyone has access to this, please email me! I'd like to set up a swap.