Twisted Sister has been doodling...I mean designing jewelry for the blog.
According to Twisted Sister..."I also felt the need to design a new paw print for a future Wife #5,
because I know that Robyn is busy with a toddler wrapped around her legs
and learning how to tie adjustable apron strings while updating the
website with new spelling errors."
Awww. now we have our own necklace! Finally we're starting our Jewelry Collection!
This blog logo certainly would appeal not only to sister wives but sister pups! Create your own SWB logo and send it to us!
UPDATED: NO, this is not a sister wife giving the bird, it's a wetbar! TS sent this in, adding: "I figured Meri would want to be on a different paw with her own wetbar,
and also have the option to add additional wives as she chooses."
Are you feeling creative? Send us your jewelry, apron, or other creations. We certainly believe that our readers can create better designs than those being sold! has been a huge curiosity and a huge disappointment one would think for the die hard fans. It would be interesting what we would have sold in T shirts alone!
If you haven't read our number one post before, be sure and see the review from Cynical:
Get out your Credit Card, is ONLINE
Feel free to discuss what you want on this post, and send us your creations!
(All pictures sent in by Twisted Sister)