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Showing posts with label Angie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angie. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

TLC Breaking The Faith - Biographies of the Cast

MARTHA, 18 years old
Martha struggles with the desire to be accepted by the church and her family, but longs to start a new life where major life choices—like whom or whether to marry —aren’'t decided for her. She fantasizes about going to college, and possibly becoming a detective.

ANGIE, 21 years old
Outspoken and frustrated by seeing families torn apart within the FLDS community, she watches as her father and two brothers leave the FLDS. She's eager to start a new chapter of her life – including having control over who and when she is able to date.

LINDA, 22 years old
A member of one of the most connected families in the community – her step father is close to church leader Warren Jeffs, Linda has been well cared for and highly protected. However, she's been dreaming of leaving the FLDS to join her father and eight siblings who have already left. In addition, she would like to pursue dance and choreography.

VAL, 20 years old
Considered to be a "struggling" member of the community, Val has been disciplined for acting out before, and has been moved around the community to try and keep her under control. Her brother and father have been kicked out of the FLDS, and her strong will is setting her on a path to follow them.

To see the bios of the other 4 cast members, Connie, Jake, Zack and Matt, please follow the link in red:

We are more than interested in this show. good or bad, it will be interesting to see. If it does sensationalize like Breaking Amish, we will be the ones to expose it for sure! I am hoping for the best since Sam Brower was involved. Not all productions are the same...only time will tell!