The story of the gingerbread man has always been a favorite of mine. I love the part where it says, "Run, run, as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread man." Little kids always love to chime in during that part of the story.
I love to eat gingerbread. It was a dessert that we had during the winter at our house so many times. Mom would take it out of the oven just before dinner and always had a sauce to pour over it. A lemon sauce was my favorite. I don't know why it isn't served more these days. An easy dessert that can be baked in an 8X8 pan and for families...eaten at one time.
Gingerbread cookies are something that I made many times in the past. They are time consuming, but a gingerbread man...wrapped in cellophane with a red ribbon would make anyone smile.
One year I used them for decorating. We had a wide doorway from the kitchen into the dining room. I put holes in the top of the "men" and when they were cool, I attached a red ribbon to each of them and hung them across the doorway. It was winter and my youngest had a cold. We were using the vaporizer at the time and over a few days the cookies softened. They started to fall to the floor. Our dog, Cubby, found that she could lie just under the cookies and get a treat once in a while. Food just fell out of the sky...magic, she thought. I don't know how many she ate before I figured out what was happening. I had to take them down and put them on the tree instead...way up high.
Today is many cloudy days so far this season. I need to mail a package and do some errands.
Have a nice day...doing something special,