Showing posts with label St. Patricks Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St. Patricks Day. Show all posts

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rainbow Cupcakes

These were so much fun to make with the boys.
Rainbow Cupcakes with a cloud on top.
Super Easy:
Jut start off by putting your cake batter in six different bowls.
Than using food coloring dye each bowl a different color.

Just remember when you start putting the cake
batter into the cupcake liners, to put them in backwards.
Start off with a little purple on the bottom.
Than put a little blue on top of the purple.
Green . . .
Yellow. . .
Orange. . .
And finally finish it off with red.

After they were done baking.

Now for a few tips: aka Learn from my mistakes :)

1. Next time I would take the time to even out each layer,
so there is no green/ yellow peeking out on the top of my cupcakes.

2. put a little less of each color in, my very first batch was over flowing because I put way to much cake batter in. So I would fill one cupcake liner first before doing all 12 at once, so you know if you need to vary your amount at all.
Happy Baking !

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Whats St. Patricks Day without a Leprechaun or two ?
We started with a green square of construction paper, a black and green strip of construction paper, a yellow rectangle with the center cut out, tons of orange curls and a heavy duty paper plate.

First off I had the boys glue the green strip to
the bottom of the green square.
Than they glued the black strip on, and glued the yellow strip onto that to make a 'buckle'. Than have the little ones glue the hat onto the very top of the paper plate.

Taelor making his buckle.
Adding some eyes.
After adding some eyes, put some glue on the bottom rim of the plate and let them get to work putting the beard on.
Drawing on a smile to finish his Leprechaun

Happy Crafting !


Simple Last Minute Craft before St. Patricks Day.

I just took a piece of scrap wood we had in the garage
and spray painted it green.

While it was drying I used the Cricut to cut out my letters.
Mod Podge them onto the wood.

And decoreted the sides with a cute Shamrock
I picked up from Joannes for .59 cents.

I forgot to take a before picture but the Shamrock
had a wire attached to it, to hang up, but I cut the wire
and bow off and hot glued them to my wood.

Come back later for a really cute Kids Craft for St. Patricks Day

Monday, March 14, 2011

Rainbow Pancakes

Yesterday morning I surprised all three of my boys with
Rainbow pancakes !

They were super yummy and fun to make and eat.

I just separated the pancake mix into six different bowls and
added a few (5-7) drops of food coloring to each bowl :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Paper Plate Rainbows

Who doesn't love Rainbows ? And who doesn't love crafts ?

So whats better than a Rainbow Craft !
We started out by folding a paper plate in half,
than cut out the inner circle.

Daddy thought it might be of help to the littlest man to
draw an outline and just have him color it in.

Than came in the
Red - Orange - Yellow - Green - Blue - Purple

Next came the clouds (cotton balls) . .
we glued two on each side of the rainbow.
After the glue was done dying,
I punched a hole in the top and strung a ribbon through.
Taelor's Rainbow

Kasen's Rainbow
Happy Crafting !

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