Showing posts with label Holiday Kids Crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holiday Kids Crafts. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

6 Months& TP Christmas Trees

Hello ??? 

Is anyone still out there ??

Crickets chirping ..... chirp ....chirp .....

Well, here's hoping someone is still out there.

I can't believe its been 6 months since I've done a post here on Simply Crafty. 

We have been so busy these past six months, between continuing to improve our home, remodeling our kitchen and volunteering at my boys schools, the past year seems to have flown by, much less the past six months. 

BUT, I'm trying to make more time for crafts again and doing projects that I enjoy. * I've done quite a few here and there these pass few months and hope to share some of them with you all soon. *  And I have quite a few projects on the ol' To Do List. 

So to get things going again, I wanted to share with you all, a few crafts for the kiddos that are easy, peasy !! 

Supply List:
White Paper * Toiler Paper Roll 
Green Paint 
and different colored paint for the 'lights'

*First thing first: Cut your TP roll in half. I found cutting it in half, made it easier for them to hold in their little hands. 

*Spread some green paint on a flat plate, make sure its flat so when they dip their TP rolls the paint gets all over the rim. 

* Next have them dip the TP roll in the paint, and start making their tree. 

* We didn't wait for the tree to dry, but you can, before we used our fingers to make the 'lights' and the trunk. 

* Hang and enjoy your one of a kind Christmas Trees.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Groundhog Day

Here's an easy crafty.
That you can make tomorrow, rather the little guy sees his shadow or not.
All you need is brown construction paper for the head and ears.
Black for the whiskers and nose.
White for the teeth.
Googly Eyes.
And a piece of paper (your choice of color) for the background.
(We were going to use white, but you couldn't see the teeth,
 hence the piece of white in the picture below)

Start but cutting out 'hearts' for the head and again for the teeth.

 For the teeth, make sure to turn the 'heart' upside down, behind the head piece.

Happy Groundhog Day Everyone !!
Here's to no 'Shadow' !

Sidnote: #1 I don't know why my little one wanted to wear a helmet during the craft. And #2 NO, we do not let him ride his bike with his
helmet that loose. .. This is brothers helmet :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pumpkin and Ghost Oh My

Here's a quick last minute craft you can do with your
little Ghost and Goblins before Halloween.

All you need is : construction paper (white for the Ghost and orange for the Pumpkin), streamers ( white for the Ghost/ Green or Black for the Pumpkin), scissors, a glue stick, tape, a hole punch and string (not pictured).
I ended up cutting out the eyes and mouth for my little goblins. Have them glue them on the front of the construction paper, than flip the paper over and using tape (its easier) attach strips of streamers to the bottom of the paper.
Next roll the paper into a tube and tape the sides together, than using the hole punch, make two holes on opposite sides, tie a piece of string or yarn through.
And Boo !!! You've got a Ghost !
Exact same concept for the pumpkin,
either cut out the face or have the little goblins cut them out.
Attach your green (or black) streamer.
And easy as Pumpkin Pie you've got a Pumpkin !
Kasen made both also but didn't want to take the time to take pictures, he just wanted them hung up, those are his in the first picture :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Red, White and Blue Windsocks

We are in Red, White and Blue heaven over here in the Simply Crafty house, and loving every minute of it.

We have our flag flying proudly out front, little flags all over the yard, windsocks flappign in the wind, our banner draped across the garage, our Red-White and Blue Wreath on the front door and our
Welcome Sign
out and that's just the yard!

Inside its just as patriotic and fun.

We added to our decor yesterday with these simple but fun
Red, White and Blue
Windoscks. Grab a piece of blue contruction paper . .
We used a punch to make our stars but if you don't have one handy just use a white crayon to make your stars.
Your little one can put just a few stars here and there or cover the whole page like Taelor did.
After they're done glue on their stars flip the paper over, and tape on your streamer. (We used tape to put the streamer on because glue just wasn't working and was just making a glue'y mess)
After all their streamer are taped on, roll the paper into a tube and tape together, again we used tape because with the glue it just kept unrolling.
Finally punch two small holes on either side of the tube, its a blurry picture but I'm sure you get the idea :)

String a ribbon through the holes, hang and ENJOY !!
We also made some Red-White-Blue Cupcakes yesterday

Yummy !!! Happy Red, White and Blue Crafting !!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Red, White and Blue Cream

Have you ever had your little ones paint with shaving cream ? ?

If not .. than I'll be honest it was
so much fun for the boys but a big mess for this mama.

But I do admit despite the mess, the end result turned out awesome. For this project you'll need : a can of shaving cream (I just got a cheap kind from the Dollar Store), a cookie sheet, white card stock, a spatula, and some paints.

Start off by squirting the shaving cream onto the cookie sheet, than use your spatula to spread it out a little bit. . Next, drop a few dots of paint here and there on the shaving cream . .
hand your little one a Popsicle stick and have them swirl the paint around a little bit. Be careful that they don't mix it in to much.
Things got a little messy with the next step and I forgot to take a picture (but its super easy) after they swirl in the paint, lay a piece of white card stock on top of the shaving cream. Don't push it down, just let it kind of 'float' on top, or just push slightly down. Than lift it up on and use your spatula to scrap off the shaving cream, which will leave you with a beautiful tie-dye- ish picture. And if you used only red and blue paint like we did, its perfect to hang them up and enjoy for the 4Th of July.

Happy Red, White and Blue Crafting.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Peek-a-Boo Bunnies

Peek -a-Boo Bunnies ! ! ! These turned out so cute and the boys thought they were so funny !

Here's what your need : Pink, White, and Green construction paper, a paper plate, a glue stick, a pen and although they are pictured we didn't end up using the googly eyes (they were too small and looked odd) so instead we used black construction paper (not pictured). I folded the white paper in fourths and cut out ears, than I did the same with the pi paper just cut them slightly smaller to fit in the white ears. Next I traced the little ones hands. (I put their initials on them because my niece and nephew were here so I didn't want to mix up the hands) Here are all 12 hands cut out, three are needed for each bunny. Next have them glue their three hands onto the bottom of the plate with the fingers pointing to the top of the plate. . . . . . Like below . . . Glue the pink construction paper onto the white and glue to the back of the paper plate. Cut out two black circles from your black construction paper and enjoy. Happy Crafting !

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cotton Bunny

Here's what you need for each bunny : cotton balls - glue - a paper plate - a pink pom pom - two eyes - four pipe cleaners - two precut ears cutsout of white and pink construction paper - Start off by having your little ones go crazy with
the glue on the paper plates. Next put on the cotton balls. I had to help the little one but you can see what we did next at the top of this picture - we glued on the eyes, glued on the four pipe cleaners and glued on the pink pom pom(nose) in the center of the pipe cleaners ... does that make sense ? If not you can see for yourself below :)

Also have them glue the pink construction paper onto the center of the white construction paper 'ear'

Glue your ears onto the back of the paper plate and
enjoy your new furry bunny. I hope your little ones enjoy making these as much as mine did.
Happy Crafting !
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