Hello ???
Is anyone still out there ??
Crickets chirping ..... chirp ....chirp .....
Well, here's hoping someone is still out there.
I can't believe its been 6 months since I've done a post here on Simply Crafty.
We have been so busy these past six months, between continuing to improve our home, remodeling our kitchen and volunteering at my boys schools, the past year seems to have flown by, much less the past six months.
BUT, I'm trying to make more time for crafts again and doing projects that I enjoy. * I've done quite a few here and there these pass few months and hope to share some of them with you all soon. * And I have quite a few projects on the ol' To Do List.
So to get things going again, I wanted to share with you all, a few crafts for the kiddos that are easy, peasy !!
Supply List:
White Paper * Toiler Paper Roll
Green Paint
and different colored paint for the 'lights'
*First thing first: Cut your TP roll in half. I found cutting it in half, made it easier for them to hold in their little hands.
*Spread some green paint on a flat plate, make sure its flat so when they dip their TP rolls the paint gets all over the rim.
* Next have them dip the TP roll in the paint, and start making their tree.
* We didn't wait for the tree to dry, but you can, before we used our fingers to make the 'lights' and the trunk.
* Hang and enjoy your one of a kind Christmas Trees.