WE continue to plug away at the Owl and Hawk Banding at Innisfree Raptor Station. Weather has been a big factor with High Winds and Rain making it impossible to get out and do anything. We have had our first bit of Snow, thankfully it hasn't decided to stay yet! The weather is shaping up to be an almost Mirror Image of last year, and if that is the case we will only get another couple of weeks in.
Owls are still being caught but at a lesser or maybe a more managable rate. We are sitting at just under 200 Saw-whets and Banded our first Long-eared Owl last Saturday. Photos of this Bird will be posted as soon as I recieve them!

Some of the Stations furter North have closed for the Season, but we will continue on.
Hawks have been disappointing this Season , especially in comparison to last Season! We have just now managed to break the 20 Bird barrier with the help of Nigels 5 caught yesterday. Hawk numbers are down significantly in "Count Numbers" at most of the other Hawkwatch sites also, so we do not feel as bad . The first Northern Goshawk (in 2 years)was Banded yesterday along with 4 Juvie Red-tails. Unfortunately no Photos are available for those.
We'll try to keep this updated as time permits!
Owls are still being caught but at a lesser or maybe a more managable rate. We are sitting at just under 200 Saw-whets and Banded our first Long-eared Owl last Saturday. Photos of this Bird will be posted as soon as I recieve them!
Some of the Stations furter North have closed for the Season, but we will continue on.
Hawks have been disappointing this Season , especially in comparison to last Season! We have just now managed to break the 20 Bird barrier with the help of Nigels 5 caught yesterday. Hawk numbers are down significantly in "Count Numbers" at most of the other Hawkwatch sites also, so we do not feel as bad . The first Northern Goshawk (in 2 years)was Banded yesterday along with 4 Juvie Red-tails. Unfortunately no Photos are available for those.
We'll try to keep this updated as time permits!