Well as the Title says..........................
Records have Fallen at the Innsfree Raptor Station this past week! Although the weather has been far from Perfect.
Since my last posting ,I have only been out a couple of times and Nigel got out for 1 night. In those 3 nights an additional 23 NSWO's were Banded (9 on the 4th,5 on the 8th and another 9 on the 9th). So there we stood at 104 on the season.
The 10th I was at work, as was the 11th , but that didn't matter much as it was Raining alot.
On the 12th I was watching the weather all day and thinking it is going to be a good Owl night, but I was scheduled for work! I was on the edge as to go to work or Book Off and try for Owls. Then I got a text from my friend Andrea " Are you going Banding Tonight?" . That was the catalyst and I decided to go Banding and Booked Off from work. I didn't notify anyone else as it was such short notice and I had to eat and go set up the Nets. I wasn't going to miss a minute of what I Hoped would be good!
Andrea, with a Nice Pair! |
Well Andrea showed up just as I was going out for the 1st Netcheck and we caught 2. The next check we Netted 6 and I said to Andrea "this is going to be a Great Night" !
The next check was an amazing 12 Saw-whets and more calling all around. I contemplating shutting down until I processed this bunch of Owls, but then said I will be fine they are mostly Hatch-years . I ran out of Bags and had to use my Pockets!
A net check of 12 Saw-whets |
As we were Banding this Bunch, Andreas friend Kathy and her daughter Elizabeth from Ottawa arrived. In less than an hour we once again went to check the nets and Caught another 11 and watched as one got out of the Netting. They were visually seen sitting in the Shrubbery at the Nets. I had to shut the Lure off and process these Birds.
It was to say the Least " Unfreaking Beleavable"! Never before had seen so many Owls in one night and we were not done yet! After Banding that group I set the Call on again and found 3 more Owls in the nets.
Andrea and her Friend had to leave at this time , but I stayed and caught an additional 3 Owls,bringing my Nights total to 37 NSWO's and the Season total to 141.
As I said " Records will Fall" and they did that night:
Previous best Netcheck record was 11 Owls ( 10 New and 1 Foreign Retrap)
1 of 37 on the Night ! I guess it Wanted a Portrait |
New best Netcheck record is now 12 Owls ( all New)
Previous One Night record was 23 Owls ( set on Oct. 01 2012)
New One Night record is now 37Owls
Previous One Year record was 115 Owls ( set in 2007)
New One Year record is now 142 Owls (and climbing)
Also since the last Blog The Hawk Banding is still miserable with only 6 Hawks Banded. Highlight was nothing less than a Hatch Year -Female Peregrine Falcon (Tundrius Race) . It is only the 2nd Peregrine I have ever Banded, but the 4th for the Station.
Female HY Tundrius Peregrine |
An ASY Red-tailed Hawk was also banded.
ASY Red-tailed Hawk