Está hecha con trapillo blanco y gris azulado. La he adornado con cinta del mismo trapillo utilizado, con un lazo en el frente.
The birth of Iker is coming and I have prepared this useful basket.
It's made of T-shirt yarn in white and blue-gray. I've decorated it with a ribbon made with the same used T-shirt yanr and a bow at the front.
The birth of Iker is coming and I have prepared this useful basket.
It's made of T-shirt yarn in white and blue-gray. I've decorated it with a ribbon made with the same used T-shirt yanr and a bow at the front.
La he rellenado de pañales y accesorios de bebé (sonajero, chupete, peines, tijeras, mordedor... ) y como no, un osito super tierno amigurumi.
I put some nappies and baby accesories (rattle, dummy, combs, scissors...) and, of course, a tender amigurumi bear.
Así es como ha quedado...
Ant that's how it looks...
Un poquito de celofán, unos lacitos...y... LISTO!!!
A bit of cellophane, some laces... and... READY!!!