I LOVE the idea of a handmade Christmas (Kirstie's Handmade Christmas is my favourite TV shows ever and I have learnt of soooo many crafts that I had never even heard of from that show!!!) Every year I try to make more and more things but don't ever really feel that I manage to make very much as Christmas is just so busy, but this year I started much earlier and managed to get a lot more done!
The biggest problem I had was trying to photograph every thing as there was just next to no day light and very little time before finishing a piece and having to package it up to post it off in time, so some things I made I have no photos of!
This necklace was one of the hardest pieces I have ever worked on! The opal was on a base of sand stone and it kept crumbling away as I was fitting the bezel. Half way through the top half of the opal broke off and I almost gave up, but the stone ended up looking so much better with out the inclusions at the top so I filed it round and kept going, and I am glad I did as I really love this one.
This one I kept! Its an Andamooka opal with a trilobite on the back, handmade chain and I intend to make a trilobite clasp to finish it off.
There was so much more things I made but I think I will need to invest in some kind of daylight lamp and a better camera as the photos did not make the cut!
I can't wait to see what everyone else created....
AE team: