Showing posts with label blog hop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog hop. Show all posts


May Art Elements Blog Hop - Tide Pools

Yet another month over in the blink of an eye!
May's theme was chosen by the wonderful and very talented Lesley Watt and was Tide Pools or Rock Pools as we call them over here.
When I think of rock pools I always think of sea anemones, I have never seen any in the wild, only ever in the sea life centre, but thats where my mind heads straight to.
While searching through my stash (as often I do while looking for inspiration) our wonderful Jen's Lampwork headpins kept screaming out "I look like a sea anemone caught in a water bubble what more do you want?" the original idea was a wide band ring with the head pin at the middle surrounded with silver rocks, but some how I got distracted and the idea transformed into a pendent....
I tend to be easily distracted! The main stone has a hole drilled through the centre and the headpin (which is set in a 9ct gold bezel) and "rocks" (which are all soldered together as one piece) have been set as you would set a stone on stone. The actual stone has then been set in a very thick sterling silver prong setting.
I then had another idea I wanted to make a rock pool, not an actual rock pool but a tiny little metal ring dish inspired by rock pools....

I started off by gathering some of my sea stones, shells and sea glass that had interesting patterns on it and then I added in a few tiny fossils (I'm thinking rock pool in the Jurassic Coast, in Devon a place that is on my bucket list to visit) I then made a fimo texture plate with these pieces and tested it on the fimo before breaking open the metal clay.

Unfortunately I have not gotten around to firing the metal clay pieces yet, but I did experiment more with the fimo pieces (why dose spell check keep correcting fimo to limo? what even is limo?) pieces and I was really pleased with how they came out....

These are the little cabs I had made, these have each had several layers of water colour paint and one of them has even had a layer of resin, which I plan to do to all of them, but I ran out as I used the last of my resin on my little ring dish....

I really love this piece and it turned out much better then I expected, again it is coloured with many layers of water colour paint that pooled into the recesses, a few coats of matt varnish and then a thick coat of resin.

I love how much it looks like ceramic and am planing to make a little metal stand for it, possibly out of a domed coin with three soldered rocks for legs! 
I had so much fun this month, Thank you Leslie for inspiring us! 

I hope you will all join me in hopping around the other blogs....


Christmas Ornament Design Challenge

Today is the day of the Art Elements Ornament design challenge reveal!
I love making decorations and this first one was made by my 9 year old Lana every year at their christmas school fair one of the class rooms is turned into a ceramic studio and the kids get to paint their own decorations....

I love the winking eye! This year I had a go with one of the ceramic balls but our time was cut short by a rather impatient other half, I could easily have spent a few hours scratching out swirling designs!

This next one was made by my 5 year old, he loves to collect pine cones and leaves for me so I asked him to paint it for me and he found this cute little star in his toy box to stick on the top!

These next two are designs by Gingermelon on ETSY (I love her cute designs and attention to detail) I started making these at work with some of my residents (scaled up so they would be able to sew them easier) but only managed to get two completed in time....

There are several more of her designs that I have brought but as usual time always seems to slip away too fast!

I am looking forward to seeing what everyone else has created, and I wish you all a very merry christmas xxx
Guest Designers
Art Elements Team


June COM

I'm not sure how, but it is time again for our monthly Art Elements Insect COM Reveal! This months challenge was hosted by the very talented Diana Ptaszynski and oh I had so many ideas! First off I was going to needle felt this little ancient fairy/moth guy....

But it turns out this was a lot header then I thought it would be! But no problem, instead I would go on a bug hunt for some inspiration and I managed to find and photo these little beauties.

Really cute little jewel coloured beetle that lucky for me landed on my daughters beautiful golden hair.

And I got really lucky and stumbled upon this amazing stag beetle. I only ever see one, maybe two of these a year at most but this one had amazing timing! 
Finding and photographing insects is surprisingly difficult, on the beautiful sunny days there were so many stunning dragonflies, busy bee's and fluttering butterflies around the local ponds but oh my they were uncooperative and hard to photo (much respect to all those wonderful nature photographers out there) but this little guy, well he was an utter star! the dark parts of his wings were a shimmery gold and the white had a stunning mother of pearl sheen plus he stayed still long enough for a rather artsy shot! 

My next idea was to paint a very abstract butterfly a lot like my mixed media mandalas but with a butterfly focal, but try as I might I could just not get the colours right (so instead I sulked). Oh and then there were all those beautiful lampwork insect beads that I intended to wire wrap, yeah that did not happen either! So with time running out I got out my trusty cabs and started playing! 
Something that not many people know about me is that I am scared stiff of butterflies! Yes they are beautiful stunning creatures but they really have it in for me and they just dive bomb me! So this one time when I was accidentally purposely lead into the butterfly tent at London Zoo (by my mean other half who likes to push me out of my comfort zone for his own entertainment) I got chatting to the insect keeper on the way out that had noticed my discomfort and explained that the butterflies were probably attracted to the salt in my sweat so it's a no win situation, I see one, it makes me sweat and then they try to lick me!
Still with butterflies in mind I looked through my cab stash and came across a stunning ammolite cab that my wonderful and kind friend Kathryn had sent me and it was just perfect! The colours reminded me of the blue morpho butterfly as it has the same kind of sheen, and here is what I made....

I kept the design very simple, it has a hidden tube bail on the back and the stone (and ball) is set in 18ct gold for a little contrast....

It is not quiet finished as I plan to hang it on a 2mm sterling chocker with a few tiny butterflies fluttering up the side and maybe a little more gold?

I love the colours in this stone. Blue, green and purple are my favourite colour combo.

Please do join me hoping around to see what everyone else created!


We're All Ears :: October Reveal

Today I am joining in with the fab Earrings Everyday, October blog hop. Now I have to admit, I had never heard of Project Runaway before hearing about it on the Earrings Everyday Blog and had to google it (hey, I'm from the UK) but I feel in love with the stunning designs they showed by designer Monique Lhuillier....

So the challenge was to select one of these looks and create a pair of earrings to accessorise it!

I also must admit, I'm not in the least bit fashionable! Nope, not a bit! If I happen to be wearing some thing fashionable it was more then likely brought by my other half or I have had it so long that it may well have come into fashion again!!! I tend to dress for comfort/ease and in the dark (often with paint splats or a random pen in my hair) or in strips (I love stripes). But occasionally I do love to dress up and go all girly and these dresses are so beautiful!!! Purple always screams Royalty and opulence to me so hopefully this shows in my design....

I made some hammered copper and set amethyst connectors paired with a beautiful pair of lampwork head pins (that have a wonderful lacy look to them) from the lovely Linda of Earth Shine Beads! I hope you like what I created and please check out what everyone else created! x


Beading Back in Time Blog Hop Challenge

Today I can't tell you how excited I am to be joining in with the Beading Back in Time Blog Hop Challenge! The theme is Early Civilization (3500 BC to 500 AD) and so I thought I would start by showing you some of my favorite photos from our holiday last week to Paris, I could not go to Paris with out visiting the Louvre of course even if it meant chasing a two year old around and not really getting to read/see as much as I would have liked!

I just love all of these pieces and have a soft spot for seals and amulets....

Stunning every single one!

If I could have taken one thing home it would have been this whole display case, I love how they are all arranged so neatly in there lovely little lines....

I have a little cabinet of curiosities in the hall which my other half and I have filled with little treasures too (nothing as marvellous as these, but little pieces that we love)....

Here are a few of the more interesting pieces....

The little Roman ring has the most charming green glass cab in it and in the right light it just glows!

Here are some of the pieces I planed to play with, lots of djenne dig beads, square and disc roman glass, some viking knit (which I am still very new to) and even an old Roman coin that I set in silver (which I did not get round to using yet).
Any who I have rambled on enough and by this I guess you can tell how much I love the theme so probably time to show you what I came up with.

This first pair were inspired by a beautiful gold byzantine earring that I found on Pintrest.

Photo from The Metropolitan Museum Of Art web site

Gold is not quiet with in my budget so I went with silver.....

Viking knit with lampwork drops (I tried pearls but none of mine were quiet big enough to work with these).

This next pair were a mash up of lots of different types of Roman earrings that I had seen, they are made from copper and silver, the back plate is copper and originally I wanted the copper to shine through a kind of mixed metal modern twist, but I rather liked how crusty and old the copper looked after soldering so left it like that!

I really love how the garnets shine on this pair

And the last pair were a bit of an accident! I had planed to make a pair of earrings with some of my Djenne beads but the unthinkable happened, the bead split straight down the middle! But it was such a pretty bead with such a lovely glow to it that I (ever the optimist) decided to just set the two half's on there sides as a pair of studs....

A couple of hand made bezels and soldered earring posts later and I now have a new favourite pair of earrings!

They are 8mm x 5mm and I can't decided if they look like little gems or little jelly belly beans, but I love them!

I do hope you enjoyed my post (I warn you there may well be more ancient inspired pieces to come) and I really can't wait to see what every one else has created, so please feel free to join me hoping around all the other participants.


Swap N Hop info

Hello wonderful people and welcome to my post for the Swap and Hop just sharing a little info on moi....

1. Why or how did you get started making jewelry?

I started making jewellery about 5 years ago when I left work to look after my youngest daughter. I was looking for a hobby and stumbled across a how to make jewellery blog then I discovered lampwork beads and metal clay and I was hooked!

(most recent make)

2. What style(s) of jewelry do you like to make?

I don't think I have a style, A lot of what I make is inspired by the art bead or the focal that I am working with and alot of the time I just see where that takes me, some times the end result is rather surprising!

3. What materials do you prefer to use (and which ones do you avoid)?

I am an utter Art Bead junky who is ever so slightly completely addicted to lampwork beads and more recently cabochon stones, I have a wonderful small but growing collection of boulder opals, labradorites and druzys, I love the colour flashes and how magical they look!
I also have a slight addiction to old coins, keys, locks, roman glass and other such bits that non-creative's call junk, I love old things with a story!

4. What techniques do you prefer (and are there any you don't like)?

I like to work with metal, be it wire or sheet, I know a few basic metal smithing techniques, am self taught so nothing too technical, but I do love learning and trying new things!

5. What colours do you use most, and which do you run screaming from?

I am a sucker for blues and greens, I love pastel colours or more gemmy colours but show me orange, yellows and reds and I am completely at a loss as to what to do with them!

Have a wonderful day x


Challenge of Travel Blog Hop

Ever late! Today I am joining in with Erin and Marcie's Challenge of Travel Blog Hop. The challenge was to select a region of the planet that you do not live on and choose an nation within that region to learn a little about and inspire a creation, or you could choose to have one selected for you (Which is what I chose to do).
The country selected for me was......


My first thought was YES I love Egypt, ever since I was young I have been fascinated with Ancient Egypt, The Pyramids....

The Sphinx.... 

The Hieroglyphics....

And, oh the Jewellery, beautiful gold and luscious turquoise, Thick wrist cuffs and beautiful beaded collars..... And then I lost all my confidence, so off I headed to ETSY for some inspiration....

I really wanted to make that beautiful beaded sphinx cuff in the middle, but I left it too late and could not find any where that stocked all the right colored seed beads (properly because I did not know where to look) So I though I would take a look at Egyptian inspired components....

Oh, look at all those pretties!

But again I left it too late to get my hands on any of these treasures so I thought I would try to make my own Egyptian focal with what ever I had in my magic draw of stuffs I have forgotten all about file away for later use! 
Attempt one was to make my focal out of polymer clay maybe add a splash of paint to high light the design etc, so I drew out my design on the clay to use as a mould, seems its alot harder to draw on clay then you would think and even harder to draw small things to cut a long story short polymer clay attempt failed, then at the back of the draw I saw some metal clay, fantastic I though as this stuff shrinks!
Hmmmm the back of the pack on the bronze clay may well say that the stuff can be touch fired and will take 7 mins, but it can't and it dose not! It crumbled to pieces even though I fired it for twice as long??? Ahhh well on to the copper clay, and this is what I finally ended up with this bracelet.....
 And this necklace....

I had a little mishap with this piece but I think it adds to the ancient feel, though I do need to add a touch of Liver of shulpher to darken the silver a little (gold was beyond my budget  unfortunately and I quiet like the look of the silver and copper together).
I really enjoyed finding out about Egypt and was surprised to find out that I had even eaten Egyptian food  (falafel) without knowing it was Egyptian!
Thanks to Erin and Marcie for the challenge and you may well see more Egyptian influence on my blog (I so want to try making that cuff)!
Please check out the others that joined in with the fun

NameBlogRegion ChosenInspiration Nation
Monique Urquhart Faso
Niky Sayers
Therese Frankhttp://www.theresestreasures59.blogspot.comAfricaKenya
Raychelle Heath
Joan Williamswww.lilrubyjewelry.wordpress.comAfricaMauritania
Sherri Stokeyhttp://www.KnotJustMacrame.comAfricaSenegal
Regina Santerrehttp://reginaswritings.blogspot.comAfricaSeychelles
Raida Disbrowhttp://havanabeads.blogspot.comAfricaTanzania
Kristi Wodekhttp://livedinlife.blogspot.comAfricaZimbabwe
Sally Russickhttp://www.thestudiosublime.comAmericasBrazil
Melissa Trudingerhttp://beadrecipes.wordpress.comAmericasMexico
Tracy Stillmanhttp://www.tracystillmandesigns.comAmericasUSA
Sandra Wolberghttp://city-of-brass-stories.blogspot.deAsiaIndia
Tanya Goodwinhttp://pixiloo.blogspot.comAsiaJapan
Susan Kennedyhttp://suebeads.blogspot.comAsiaJapan
Beth Emeryhttp://storiesbyindigoheart.blogspot.comAsiaJapan
Lisa Cone
Tanya Boden
Inge von Rooshttp://ingetraud.wordpress.comAsiaLaos
Erin Prais-Hintzhttp://treasures-found.blogspot.comAsiaNepal
Dee Elgiehttp://cherryobsidia.blogspot.comAsiaPhillipines
Carolyn Lawsonhttp://carolynscreationswa.blogspot.comAsiaSouth Korea
Lisa Stukelhttp://carefreejewelrybylisa.blogspot.comAsiaSri Lanka
Elly Snarehttp://themagicsquarefoundation.wordpress.comAsiaThailand
Shelley Graham Turnerhttp://www.shelleygrahamturner.blogspot.comEuropeAustria
Mallory Hoffman Herzegovina
Paige Maximhttp://www.pmaximdesigns.blogspot.comEuropeFrance
Jenny Davies-Reazor
Sharyl McMillian-Nelsonhttp://sharylsjewelry.blogspot.comEuropeGreece
Evelyn Shelby
Holly Westfall
Rebecca Siervaaghttp://www.godsartistinresidence.blogspot.comEuropeIreland
Toltec Jewelshttp://toltecjewels.blogspot.comEuropeIreland
Lee Koopmanhttp://StregaJewellry.wordpress.comEuropeIreland
Laren Dee Bartonhttp://larendeedesigns.blogspot.comEuropeItaly
Cindy Wilsonhttp://www.mommysdreamcreations.blogspot.comEuropeNorway
Kathleen Lange Klikhttp://ModernNatureStudio.blogspot.comEuropePoland
Shaiha Williams
Jennifer Justman
Elsie Deliz-Fonsecahttp://ladelizchica.blogspot.comEuropeSpain
Lola Surwillohttp://www.beadlolabead.blogspot.comEuropeSweden
Kim Horahttp://www.kimmykats.comEuropeSwitzerland
Leanne Loftushttp://firstimpressiondesign.blogspot.comEuropeThe Netherlands
Patti Vanderbloemenhttp://myaddictionshandcrafted.blogspot.comEuropeThe Netherlands
Marcie Carrollhttp://labellajoya.blogspot.comEuropeTurkey
Marlene Cupohttp://amazingdesigns-marlene.blogspot.comOceaniaFederated States of Micronesia
Ine Vande Cappellehttp://jewelsbyine.blogspot.comOceaniaFiji
Tammie Everly
Alice Petersonhttp://www.alice-dreaming.blogspot.comOceaniaKiribati
Elisabeth Auldhttp://www.beadsforbusygals.comOceaniaNauru
Susan McClelland Zealand
D Lynne Bowlandhttp://islandgirlsinsights.blogspot.comOceaniaNew Zealand
Denielle Hagermanhttp://somebeadsandotherthings.comOceaniaNew Zeland
Rebecca Andersonhttp://songbeads.blogspot.comOceaniaPapua New Guinea
Mischelle Fanucchi
Kari Asburyhttp://hippiechickdesign.blogspot.comOceaniaSolomon Islands
Cece Cormier
Emma Toddhttp://www.apolymerpenchant.comOceaniaTuvalu
Debbie Pricehttp://greenshoot.blogspot.comOceaniaVanuatu

Have a great day and happy traveling

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