Showing posts with label bits of niknats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bits of niknats. Show all posts


AJE July Component of the Month reveal

July was my turn to host AJE Component of the Month and I am so excited to see what every one has created!

What I came up with is quiet different to what I normally make, usually I try to make small delicate petite pieces, mostly because I am vertically challenged and anything big looks like I am a child trying to wear adult jewellery, but this time I threw caution to the wind and went with big and chunky!

I have brought myself a lazy daisy and have been playing around with viking knit and decided to use some in this piece....

It's very chunky, (well on me it is!) the viking knit is about 1cm thick and I have used one of my painted clasp with a pair of Kerri Fhur's lampwork beads.

So there you have what I came up with, now I do hope you will join me in hopping around to see what the other fab participants have created....

Have a great day x


Facebook giveaway

This piece was an practice piece, I had an old cracked opal doublet laying around and thought I would try and set it, any who I liked the result so much I can't bring myself to throw it, so to celebrate 100 sales in my etsy shop I thought I would have a giveaway on bits of niknats facebook page.

Here is what you could win....

So why not head on over and enter for your chance to get your hands on these! You could also use the code to get 10% off one of these little lovelies....

I finally managed to get some coin lockets in the shop, Amethyst....

Kyanite and....


And how cute is this little heart!

Have a wonderful Sunday lovely people x


A few makes....

 I thought I would share a few pics of the pieces I have been working on....

I love this piece, the ruby was one of three that I brought many years ago and was hoarding for the right project, they are such lovely stones, well this is the last one and is heading off to it's new home as I type!

These coins are the beautiful Roman coins I got when I went up to London, just across the road from the Victoria and Albert Museum was the sweetest shop full of amazing antiquity's and I could not leave with out buying some thing (I wanted everything, it was all so old and crusty and beautiful)!
Anywho I did not want to spoil the coins so I made a prong setting for them and here they are with a beautiful pair of Amethyst set copper drops, they were in the shop (well one was I may have hoarded the other) for a short time before they flew out along with some of my best ever bits, so I really must get making again!

Have a wonderful day lovely people!


2014 Art Charm Swap tease 2

So I have already told you that I have joined the wonderful Jen Cameron's Art Charm Exchange and have shown you my first tease photo well here's another....

Don't forget to join us on November 25th for the big reveal and more importantly the Charity Auction!

Have a great day wonderful people x


May the making recomence!

With the kids off during August I did not get much time to make much of anything so I have enjoyed every minute of making the following....

These pieces were just me having a bit of a play around, the owl is a silver version of the one I made for my last bead soup and the hearts were inspired by one of my all time favourite designers Keirsten Giles of Lune Designs (she has a serious talent for jewellery making and a fantastic eye for detail)  Keirsten uses coins to texture her metal and has an amazing blog The Cerebral Dilettante which is full of beautiful photos, great tips and wonderful tutorials!

Tiny chrysoprase ring (British birthstone for May) This was made for mess maker after I was informed that she had plenty of bracelets and necklaces but no rings!

How could I say no to this little face (this is her showing off her new reading glasses)?!

Here is another coin locket I made up this one was commissioned for a birthday gift.

This ones is another byzantine chainmaille charm bracelet, I got to practise my sawing and stamping on this one!

I have even managed to put a few new things in the Bits of NikNats shop.

and as soon as I get the time to make up a few more pieces I am going to be having a giveaway on my Bits of NikNats face book page, so keep checking!

Have a great day x


Eye candy update

Good morning wonderful people! I can not believe how quickly time is going at the moment. Summer holidays started yesterday (and already I am on the strong coffee). We have singed up for book challenges at the library, goggled clubs and activities in the local area, came up ideas for projects and activities and still I do not feel prepared!

I have also been busy making these recently for the Bits of NikNats shop (a fair few have sold already)....

Gem connectors

That look just like treasures from a pirate's ship, and also....

 Painted Farthings and coin clasps and I am working on another batch of painted peacock coins to go in the shop....

If you would like to keep updated on whats going in the shop and hopefully soon competitions, you can join my facebook page here. I feel very blessed to have lots of amazing and talented customers creating beautiful work such as....

 This stunning bracelet by the very talented Suhana of Buttoned Up Beads, I love these colours and look at all those beautiful art beads, she is also having a giveaway on her facebook page! Also these beauties....

By my wonderful friend Carol Rigby (This looks so very glamarous and I can picture it being worn with a beautiful little black dress with a cute big blue silk bow around the waist, very classy with just the right amount of bling) and also....

Again by my fab friend Carol, what a beautiful way to finish off a pearl necklace, how great this will look with short hair or a beautiful updo what great detail!
I have such very talented customers! I have not had as much time to make jewellery as I would like (too many ideas for bits of and a few commissions that I am working on) Bit I did get to practise my sawing skills on this one....

A sweet chainmaille charm bracelet for a lucky lady, a gift for no reason other then to say I love you, from her kind mother, the sort of gift that every one loves an unexpected one! x

Have an amazing day x


Made with Bits of NikNats

Well it has been a long time since my last blog, but I have been rather busy! The Bit's of NikNats shop has been doing alot better then I thought it would, so I have been spending alot of time making up these....

Coin clasps and buttons and....

 Coin lentil beads!

I have been blessed with many wonderful customers, some of which have shared there creations with me and have kindly said I can show them here....

This first one has been made by the multi talented Bo of Bo Hulley Beads The beaded beads are from The Curious Bead Shop (I need to get some of these), the spotty glass is from Earthshine beads (love her headpins) and a couple of the ceramic polka dot beads are by Bo herself (I have quiet a collection of Bo's beautiful ceramic pieces), I love the red and turquoise together it's so vibrant!

These next two bracelets are both by the lovely Carol Rigby....

Aren't the wire wrapped pearls and lampwork beads fab! As is....

 I love all the pearls in this one, and how Carol has wire wrapped them all in place.

This last beauty is by the wonderfully talented Suhana of Buttoned Up Beads, Can't you just see this one being worn with a beautiful light floaty summer dress, while sipping champagne on a hot summers evening? If you are a jewellery lover you really should check out her shop!

I love how each person puts their own unique spin on my bits, and really enjoy seeing what other people have created. I even had a few spare minutes to create a bracelet myself....

A black coin button with stunning lampwork beads by Kerri Beads, Tho it needs a bit of tinkering to Finnish it off!

Thanks for popping by, Hopefully it wont be so long before I post again.
Have a great day x


Introducing Bits Of NikNats

For BSBP please click here x

I have been thinking about opening up a supply shop of sorts for a while now but did not know what sort of things I would put into it, well after such wonderful feed back about my bead soup pieces and the amazing bracelets that my wonderful partner Kristina made I decided to open....

So far there is only a few bits in there such as a few of these cuties...

Did you know a group of owls is called a parliament?

But I am hopeing to add a couple of coin clasps and buttons as soon as I can (toddler alowing). If you like what you see why not stay up to date with what I am making on my Bits of NikNats facebook page! Have a great day wonderful people! x

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