Showing posts with label fountain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fountain. Show all posts

Monday, February 23, 2015


Today, I'm moving away from some of my beachy projects (somewhat reluctantly) and sharing another project that my friend Judy and I did together.  Since I decided to go with kind of a woodsy theme in my living room, we gave my fountain candle a little mossy makeover.

This project really started in my head when my friend Donna at Distressed Donna Down Home sent me that box that had the sand dollars in it.  Tucked in that box was also a roll of moss ribbon which I had never even heard of before until she mentioned it in an email.  I was delighted she sent me some!  It's really fun stuff.
So I had this really cool candle fountain that I picked up before Christmas at one of my favorite floral shops.  It's made by Bethlehem Lights and you find out more about how to get them by clicking the link.  I should mention that this candle/fountain is flameless, 10" tall and also has a 5 hour timer that you can switch on if you so desire.
I've enjoyed this candle just as it is, but now it's time to cute it up a little and make it fit into my decor.  I had this wooden planter box and decided it would make a great container for my new woodsy fountain.
The only difficulty I had was trying to figure out how to have a top on the fountain that would support some embellishments and at the same time, NOT be permanent because I change my decor too often.  Judy to the rescue on this one!  She suggested some kind of screen and I happen to have (and I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but it was given to me) a TON of that weird plastic woven stuff that people use to do yarn embroidery on...I have no idea what it's called, so I chose a piece of black to use.  ( I have every color in the rainbow and couldn't throw it out.)  Anyway, we used a chalk marker to trace the candle opening on and cut it out.  Chalk marker is a wonderful tool to use to trace anything onto a dark surface because it shows up great and washes off.
We put the candle in the planter and set the plastic screen on top and made sure it fit.
Then we used some Aleene's Tacky Glue and glued that moss on top of it, flipping it over and tracing the little corners for an exact fit.

Pretty easy right?  All that was left was to embellish the top a little.  I left that up to my friend Judy.  I gave her a pile of rocks, sticks, and a bag of reindeer moss.  I think she did a great job!
The little faux fern leaf was pretty much my only contribution to the embellishing effort.
It looks ever-so-awesome at night and the sound of the little water tinkling almost puts me to sleep.  Okay, it does put me to sleep.
Thank you Donna for the lovely gift of the moss ribbon!   Thank you Judy for your help on yet another one of my crazy ideas.  Thank you to my readers for suffering through yet another one of my tutorials.  Now I'm going back to work on another beachy project using another gift (or two) sent to me by another blogger.  I swear, I am so lucky and have the best friends out here in the blog world!

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My Repurposed Life The Dedicated House