It looks a little "folk-artsy" to me, so I'm calling it folk art. It went together pretty quickly. In fact, it took me longer to get a good picture of it than it did to make it. Figures.
I took some craft paper and made a template of my hand which I then traced on to some sheet music. (I know, I could have just traced my hand directly on to the music, but I didn't.)
My hand is not that fat and funky looking, I'm sure of it. I gave it a makeover with some scissors. After deciding it was too white for my old pallet scrap, I gave it, and some words I tore out from the title, a quick coat of antique gel.
Also, in my box of Valentine stuff, I found a set of 3 wooden plant stakes all cute and painted (by someone else in a land far, far away).
I didn't really like the middle one with the hearts on it so I broke the stake off and flipped it over and used the plain red side. I decided it was too plain and used a piece of fabric and a little charm key that I spray painted black, in the center of it. I put it all together with a glue stick (for the hand,fabric and words) and a glue gun (for the heart and key). I added some tiny eye screws and a chord to hang it with and called it good.
Getting a good picture of it was a different story. First, it was evening and I lost my good light. Second, I couldn't find a good background that made it look all cute and folk-artsy. I finally decided to take it outside where I have all kinds of rusty, crusty farm stuff that makes for great backdrops. I know my friend Donna at Distressed Donna Down home will appreciate the rustiness of the old blue pick-up bed and the tin from the old shed that I settled on for my finished pictures. Me? I'm just happy to have started and finished a craft. (It's been way too long and I was jonesin a little! LOL!)
Bye-bye for now! |