Showing posts with label Winter Decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winter Decor. Show all posts

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Now that Christmas has been put away, decorating around here becomes less...well....cluttered and complicated!  Good thing too, because I was about glittered to death!!
But..I do like some icy looking decor and I made this little candlescape for my table in no time, with things I had around the house.
 Do you know about Bedoodles Snowflakes?  They are so fun.  I always look for them after the holidays and was able to pick up some for just 99 cents
 Just like real snowflakes, they come in all shapes and sizes.  They have a wire attached to them so that you can use them to decorate packages, fasten them on to your tree or other decor.  I kind of like using them on candles.
In this case though, I just wrapped them around the ends of piece of scrap pallet that I had left over from a previous project.

I added a couple of votive candle holders that had snowflakes on them and then I used this awesome paperweight that looks like a 3D icy snowflake....check it out.  I have two of them.  One I found in a thrift store here and the other in an antique shop in Montana.
   When I put them all together, I had this fun, rustic candlescape for my kitchen.
 Wintery, without being too Christmassy.  Sparkly, without you can't beat that!  This candlescape will stick around as long as our wintry weather does.  Keep your eye out for those BeDoodles.....they're kinda fun!

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