For some reason I found the idea of painting furniture both fascinating and terrifying. I hold no major beliefs that old stained furniture should just be refinished, although I respect those who do. I stalked furniture painters forever. I asked them plenty of questions...some of them the same question, more than once. I bugged them so much some of them invited me into a private face book group of furniture painters...even though I had never painted so much as a dot on a piece of furniture. (I love you girls and you know who you are!) Then one day I got this message, "Get ready Danni Baird because I'm coming to Silo Hill to teach you to paint furniture!" And this my friends is where the rubber meets the road. That message came from Karen at Somewhat Quirky Design and she meant business! No more jackin around and wishing I would just wake up and be a furniture painter one day. messin around either. We were going to paint my two most intimidating pieces of furniture (at least to me) and we were going to do it all in 3 days.
I ordered my paint and wax (more self-imposed intimidation....wax???...yikes!) from Lorraine...AKA Miss Flibbertigibbet, also a wonderful furniture painter, who sells Powder River Paint as well as Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint and supplies. You can find those HERE. (Check them out...the colors are divine!) I used Powder River's Prairie Grass, an organic chalk/clay based paint.
Here is a before and after shot of my buffet.....
If you want to see all the details and know-how, as well as some better pics and possibly one of me cleaning up a major spill, check out Karen's post HERE.
If you want to see some pictures of my farm, my house, my dog, me drinking some wine and a night out at the local saloon with Karen, just click HERE. (Warning...alcohol was involved.)
Karen is so very fabulous and if you are lucky enough to ever have her visit you,'s like an event! She's fun, she's smart, she's a great teacher, she's a hard worker, she's funny, she has some mad sawzall skills and well....she's Somewhat Quirky! But most importantly, she's my friend and an excellent blogger so go check her out and show her some comment love, maybe even become a follower, because she'll teach you a thing or two. I promise to write more about our visit later, but for now.....thank you Karen..and cheer's to you, my friend!
Karen from Somewhat Quirky Design on a much-deserved break from teaching me to paint! |
P.S. Thanks Tuula for a little motivation!
The Dedicated House - Before and After Wednesday