Showing posts with label Inspiration Series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspiration Series. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Valentine Love From Someone Else

I'm still busy with renovation happiness.  The new windows are in!  The furnace guys have completed all of the new duct work under the house and in the attic (two places I have no intention of visiting),  my kitchen cabinets are finished and being delivered today.  But....I'm not posting anything about that today.  What I want to tell you is....
Carlene at Organized Clutter has done a fabulous guest post over at the Inspiration Cafe as well as another awesome Valentine project over at her own blog.   I love Valentines crafts...can't help myself.  I intend to try a variation of both of these crafts, but for now...go check them out and see if they inspire you!
Click here to see the finished project!
I cannot wait to try making my own "rust"!  You can do it to with stuff you already have at hand.  Go check it out and just try not to fall in love with the end result....
Click here to see how to make your own rust!
Carlene is always inspiring me in one way or another.  Thank you girl.

I'm turning my comments off for this them for Carlene!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I am so happy to tell you that Tuula from The Thrifty Rebel is in the house over at the Inspiration Cafe today!  If you know Tuula, then you know she's made something fabulous and she says this is her favorite project to date!  If you don't know Tuula...well where have you been?!  LOL! 
Here's a peak at what she's got going on for our Junkin Jewels won't believe it!
Want to see what she made??  Just click on the button below, I'll take you there!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Remember when Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street would sing, "I Love Trash"?

It was always one of my favorites and I sang it to my littlest sister all the time.  I didn't really love trash, but I loved to her face light up when I sang it to her.
These days, I'm loving this song even more.  Especially the part that goes:
                             "Anything dirty or dingy or dusty
                              Anything ragged or rotten or rusty
                              Yes, I love trash!"
Why the sudden love of trash?  Well, because the Goddess of Rust herself is in the house at the Inspiration Cafe and she knows just what to do with trash....and junk...and dingy and rusty stuff!
Check it out for yourself as Donna from Distressed Donna Down Home opens our new monthly series at the Inspiration Cafe.  Just click the graphic below....we'll take you there!

Monday, September 9, 2013


It is no secret that I adore my good friend and co-contributor at the Inspiration Cafe, Mel, from Mellywood's Mansion.  She's funny, she has a heart of gold and she makes some awesome stuff!  I know you already know this, but what you don't know is that she's been nominated as one of the Top 50 DIY/Crafty blogs of 2013 at Voiceboks.  This is a great honor and she didn't even know she had been nominated!  Now, they are paring it down to the top 10 and if she is among those, she will get some serious promotion from their blog.  If you have a minute, please click HERE and vote for Mel because she has a great blog and I want her to win!
It's also Mel's turn over at the Inspiration Cafe to share a kid-inspired project and she has a good one.  (Think "Fairy Mist").
Thanks in advance! are awesome and good luck girl!

Monday, September 2, 2013


We're doing kid-themed projects over at the Inspiration Cafe this round and today is my turn!  Come on over and see how I ambushed my awesome nephew into doing a craft with me!
We really had a lot of fun!  You can check it out by clicking on the image below!
Don't forget to come back and link up your own kid inspired project on Monday Sept., 16th.  when we have our Kidding Around Link Party!  Happy Labor Day everyone!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I love being a part of the Inspiration Cafe.  I love all of the amazing contributors we have there and I am constantly inspired by them.  This week we have some exciting news.  We are starting up a new group of contributors who transform everyday junk into the most fabulous things!  Hop on over the Inspiration Cafe to get a sneak peak at who these ladies are and see some of their favorite projects.
Inspiration Cafe's Junkin Jewels
And while you're over there, check out Heather's project in our Kidding Around Series.  It's a great one and will keep your kids occupied..... at least for a little while!  If you have a fun kid project be sure to keep our upcoming link party in mind.....

Monday, July 29, 2013


The link party at the Inspiration Cafe is going on right now for our Bloomin' Marvelous Series.  If you've got a garden inspired post, old or new, head on over and link it up!  It can be anything garden related...a recipe, flowers, craft project, DIY,  sewing, etc.  If it's garden related...we'd love to see it!
Just click on the button below and join the fun!
Come share your project and inspire others!  The link party will be open through Saturday and we will be sharing our favorites next Monday.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Our Bloomin Marvelous Series at the Inspiration Cafe has come to a close and it's almost time to link up your own marvelous garden inspired projects...whether it's a recipe using garden produce, a garden-art  project or a post about your own flower or vegetable  garden, come link it up at the Inspiration Cafe's Bloomin' Marvelous link party starting tomorrow!    
See you over at the Inspiration Cafe tomorrow!

Monday, July 22, 2013

BLOOMIN' MARVELOUS - Melly, Melly! How Does your Garden Grow?

Mel from Mellywood's Mansion is at the Cafe to sharing how they turned their average back yard into a food bowl, able to feed a family of seven right through the year.

Click on the image below to head over to the Cafe...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Want to see this chair make it's way from sad to fab???
It's a great transformation done by Jean at Backyard Bungalow!  Wanna see it??  It's over at the Inspiration Cafe today.  Just click on the picture below...

Monday, July 15, 2013


Mary from Sweet Little Bluebird is showing some garden envy for our Bloomin' Marvelous series.  Head over to the Cafe to check out her sister-in-law's awesome suburban vegetable garden! 

Click on the image below to head over to the Cafe...

Monday, July 1, 2013

I'm Up at the Inspiration Cafe's Bloomin' Marvelous Series!

It's my turn to share something for our new Bloomin' Marvelous Series, but what the heck is it?????
Looks like something from the......

Better click on the image below to find out what it is.....
......if you dare....

Monday, June 24, 2013


We are so excited to kick off our new series today...
The theme is Gardens - anything to do with gardens! Anything!

Natalie is sharing her Summer Garden inspired necklace. 
Such fun colors and an easy to follow, simple tutorial.

Just click on the Bloomin' Marvelous button to take you to Inspiration Cafe and enjoy our first post of the series.

Inspiration Cafe is looking for guest posters. If you would like to guest please let us know, we would love to have you. If you would prefer a feature instead, feel free to drop us a line. New or old posts welcome.

Friday, June 7, 2013


Two things............
#1 - 
I'm really excited about this and you can read all about it HERE

#2 - 
 We're all inspired by someone or something.  We've had a great time with our "It's A Steal" series at the Inspiration Cafe.  Now we'd love to see some of your inspired projects and knock-offs.

Monday, June 3, 2013


Our new series, "It's a Steal" is in full swing right now.

It's a fun series where we "steal" or "knock off" a 
fellow blogger's idea and show you what we come up with! 

At the Inspiration Cafe, we are stealing ideas from each other...
so much fun!!!

It's Mel's turn this week and she has stolen an idea from Heather over at The Beating Hearth

Click on the Cafe door to check it out!

Inspiration Cafe is looking for guest posters. If you would like to guest post, please let us know, we would love to have you.  If you would prefer a feature instead, feel free to drop us a line. New or old posts welcome.

Monday, May 27, 2013


We're enjoying our "It's a Steal" series at the Inspiration Cafe.  This week it's my turn to post and I've broken into Mellywood's Mansion and swiped one of her project ideas for a knock-off.  Want to know what I stole?  Just click on the button below and you can see for yourself!
Do you have a knock-off post that you've done?   Maybe something from another blogger or a store or catalog?  If you do, be sure to come link it up at our "It's a Steal" link party on June 10th at the Inspiration Cafe!  If you don't have a knock-off post.....get out there, stalk a few blogs and find something you like, put your own spin on it and write a post about it.  Please don't forget to get permission and use proper link other words, be a good thief!

Monday, May 20, 2013


Our new series, "It's a Steal" is in full swing right now.

It's a fun series where we "steal" or "knock off" a 
fellow blogger's idea and show you what we come up with! 

At the Inspiration Cafe, we are stealing ideas from each other...
so much fun!!!

It's Heather's turn this week and she has stolen an idea from Natalie over at NorthShore Days.

Click on the Cafe door to check it out!

Inspiration Cafe is looking for guest posters. If you would like to guest post, please let us know, we would love to have you.  If you would prefer a feature instead, feel free to drop us a line. New or old posts welcome.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Last week I showed you this black and white frame that I made as a knock-off project from Mary at Sweet Little Bluebird for our Inspiration Cafe "It's a Steal" series.  
 It was a fun project to make and it started with the medallion that I made from clay. 
I was actually inspired to make this medallion by my friend Amy from While Wearing Heels, when she made this....
Fragile Hearts Made of Clay
Aren't they lovely?!  If you click on that link, she'll even give you a recipe to make your own clay!
I really like playing with clay.  I usually use Sculpey or Fimo clay because I find that I have less fails with those store brands.  I also have some cool clay tools that I got from Hobby Lobby.

You don't need to have these tools.  If you read what they do, you can improvise with things already have.
I made a ball out of some white clay and then flattened it out to a circle using a can of vegetables from my pantry.  I have a beautiful glass plate that has a raised graphic design on the back side and I made an impression of it on the medallion.
I put it the medallion on a foil covered cookie sheet and baked it according the directions on the package of clay.
I got out a few supplies from my craft room....
A black frame that I've used for several projects, some stick on gems, and my some textured paper from my favorite free paper source....wall paper sample books.
I made a circle slightly larger than my medallion out of some black paper and used the textured white paper sample for my main background.  After playing around with the gems for a bit, I decided that just one faux black pearl one was enough. 
I had fun doing this knock off project.  If you have a project that you would like to enter in our Inspiration Cafe "It's a Steal" link party, get started on it because our party will open on June 10th.  That should be plenty of time for you to find some inspiration from another blogger and do a post.  Please don't forget to ask permission and give proper credit links!  
Thank you Amy and Mary!  Y'all are awesome!      

Monday, May 13, 2013

INSPIRATION CAFE - IT'S A STEAL - Sweet Little Bluebird

We started our new series last week,

 "It's a Steal"

A fun series where we "steal" or "knock off" a 
fellow blogger's idea and show you what we come up with! 

At the Inspiration Cafe, we are stealing ideas from each other...
so much fun!!!

It's Mary's turn this week, she's  
"knocking off" Danni of Silo Hill Farm!

Click on the Cafe door to see what Mary stole from Danni...

Inspiration Cafe is looking for guest posters. If you would like to guest post, please let us know, we would love to have you.  If you would prefer a feature instead, feel free to drop us a line. New or old posts welcome.

Monday, May 6, 2013


We start our new series this week,

 "Its a Steal"

...yup we get to "steal" or "knock off" a fellow blogger's idea, and show you what we come up with. 
Here at Inspiration Cafe we are going to steal ideas from each!!!

Natalie had her mission this week and that was to knock off
a post from Mary's blog Sweet Little Blue Bird

The verdict from her family? YUM!

Click on the Cafe picture to see what Nat made...

Inspiration Cafe is looking for guest posters. If you would like to guest please let us know, we would love to have you. If you would prefer a feature instead, feel free to drop us a line. New or old posts welcome.